Pip Finds a Home Book Review
Summary: Pip Finds a Home is a delightful read from start to finish about a lost bird who finds home
Lost & Found!
This beautifully written and illustrated book is by Elena Topuzoglou which tells the delightful story about a so-called penguin called Pip who travels to the South Pole but when he meets the other penguins there, he discovers that he is a little different to them. Although he is different, the other Penguins do make him feel welcome while they try to figure out what he is.
Nonetheless, Pip makes the most of his time in the South Pole as he engages in all sorts of fun activities such as jumping like a Macaroni Penguin. However this is not the home of Pip and when he is given the opportunity to return, he quickly accepts the gift where we also learn that this little “penguin” is actually a Great Auk.
What made Pip Finds a Home resonate so well with my family was the wonderful art of Elena Topuzoglou whose captivating style successfully draws you into the world of Pip and the icy wonderland of the Antarctic and its diverse wildlife. It’s quite a magical read.
Supporting the illustration are the descriptive words used to tell the tale of Pip which work hand-in-hand with the story and as a bonus, there is a double page spread at the back which highlights four of the penguin species in this book that include the Emperor Penguin, the Gentoo Penguin, the Adelie Penguin and Macaroni Penguin, including the extinct Great Auk.
Final Thoughts?
Pip Finds a Home is a delightful read from start to finish with the amazing illustrations of author Elena Topuzoglou that beautifully creates a very captivating story about a bird far from home.