Victoria II: Heart of Darkness
This add on for
Victoria II makes the game slightly better than it was. Still a large
scary looking amount of information and events to control, but what a
Interactive line of games has always had mind boggling depth and deep
game play that the old school table top grognards would appreciate.
Beginners may get turned away by the level of items the game tracks and
puts at your very fingertips, but they would be missing out on some
well-done table top strategy gaming turned digital. Now even if you are
not new to these types of games, I would strongly suggest you read the
manual and or any tutorials available, the game just has so much going
at once, to truly have a chance at winning you are going to want to know
about all the moving pieces of the game. Even though the game goes off
the rails when it comes to history, since the player is able to change
things somewhat…one can still learn about industrialization using this
game and the bare basics of running a country and all of its aspects.
The people, the workers, the factories and commerce, and trade,
political standings and dealings with other countries and colonization,
it’s all here in an almost mind boggling details.

What I
have always loved about the series on top of the insane depth of detail
and the amount of things the player can control, is how the game is
wrapped in music of the day, and also decorated with art and concept
water colors, spectacular.
II: Heart of Darkness, is actually the second expansion for Victoria
II. This time the game ads a few new things that enhance the game
rather well. The enhancements and changes are not front and center, so
early in the game for players that have this grand political and expand
your lands strategy game…you may not notice them until deeper into the
There is
a focus on the African continent, as the player takes their country head
to head with the rest of the world as the Dark Continent is everyone’s
focus. It always comes down to how the player handles international
crises and if they welcome war or does their best to avoid it.

Now that
being said, I will go about this review from the stand point of the very
nicely thought out changes that enhance this game with the expansion
Victoria II: Heart of Darkness.
and the industrial part of the game got some welcome changes. Factories
are able to get a bonus when they are built in any state that produces
their input goods. This also makes a sort of trickle effect in that area
because it plays into other industry. A state that is producing Iron is
a perfect place then for a steel mill, and then that steel mill can
influence and make it easier to produce goods and product that require
steel…such as weapons. The new game tweaks also give a bonus if a
factories input are produced locally. Factories that are also running
into troubles can slow down production rather firing workers.
now come in two different types. The first is a protectorate, and the
other is a full colony. Protectorates become colonies over time.
Thought the player must use Colonial Points to upgrade to a full
Colony. While colonies may yield more Tax, they also cost more points
to upkeep. The Colonies are needed though if the player ever hopes to
upgrade to a full state in the future.

Civilizing process also got some changes; if a player goes the military
route they gain the ability to get research points through their
conquests. A player with enough skill for the game can conquer the more
advanced areas and gain a large number of research points in the
tweaks and changes as I noted may not even be noticeable at the very
start of a gaming session but they do become more evident as the game
progresses. It’s a give and take game, one that aims for that certain
niche player base, and for that niche player Victoria II: Heart of
Darkness delivers the goods.
For the
more casual gamer they may feel over whelmed with the depth of control
to be had, the game does a fair enough job automating some of the tasks
for you. So if your bold enough jump into Victoria II and its latest
add on Heart of Darkness.
Have fun
play games.
