Sins of a Solar Empire
Sins of
a Solar Empire Rebellion returns gamers to the rich universe of this
franchise as players engage in another "RT4X" experience which stands
for "explore, expand, exploit and exterminate".
For those that enjoy
world building games, especially in space, than Sins of a Solar Empire
Rebellion may be the game for you as you become the leader of your
civilization in order to survive an intergalactic war of epic
proportions. From your humble PC, you need to manage your empire and
command your starships for not just defence but also victory.
developers Ironclad have also enhanced the story telling by splitting
each of the two faction into sub factions which gives them different
bonuses and access to different technology. My favourite aspect of the
factions is that each race has their own Titan which are super starships that
can sometimes be used to change the tides of war.

played my fair share of RT4X games, Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion
fleshes out the franchise even more with a plethora of new ships and
tech options for players to explore.
However at its heart, Rebellion is
similar to the previous games where you need to manage your empire
through micro and macro gaming management. Similar to games such as
Civilization or in reference to RT4X, the excellent Masters of Orion,
players start with one planet where they need to commence their
advancement of their tech
tree. By improving the technology at your disposal, this allows you to
conquer the stars and find other suitable planets to expand your empire.
The key to Rebellion is to ensure that your planets, more particularly
your territory is protected from your enemies which is where the military tech
tree comes into play such as building star bases. The military
technology allows you to build on your weaponry and ships which is vital
for protecting your systems. There are also other tech trees that must
be upgraded in order to ensure that all facets of your civilization is
catered for.

Diplomacy is another important goal of Rebellion and by establishing
relationships with other races and factions assists in keeping your
borders protected because not everyone likes the big bully in the space
grounds. By creating alliances, you not only strengthen your borders but
create valuable trade agreements to assist your empire building.
Needless to say, things start to get complicated (a good way
complicated) when your borders expand and war occurs between the various
factions. You suddenly go from micro managing a planet or two to a whole
solar system which is like juggling the apocalypse. Another highlight of
Rebellion is that new players to the series can easily jump straight in
and play without an overtly complex back history and the game does a
good job at teaching the basic gaming mechanics.

Graphically, Rebellion is a good looking game on the PC, especially on
full detail. Even though at times the graphics may seem a little bland,
there is some great attention to detail in the game, especially with the
updated graphics that include enhanced textures and some really cool
particle effects when enemies are blown to smithereens.
There are also
some nice cut scenes that assist in the overall story telling of the
title. Finally we have a majestic soundtrack and some subtle sound
effects that assist in immerging you into this intergalactic battle or
loyalists and rebels of the various factions. All in all, gameplay,
graphics and sound comes together in a way that makes this an addictive
yet entertaining gaming experience.

Once you
have completed the campaign modes, Rebellion features a strong
multiplayer mode that allows you to engage other players from around the
world. Multiplayer opens up the game to same features as the
single-player, however the story has been replaced with live players
that works equally as good.
The best part of Rebellion or any RT4X title
is the replay value. This title can be played again and again as all
your decisions ultimately effect the long-term gameplay. Imagine the
battles of Star Wars meets the political complexities of Battlestar
Galactica with a touch of Civilization and that my good gamers is what
you'll be experiencing with Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion.

Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion contains all of Trinity’s features
Civil war has erupted within the TEC, Advent and Vasari races;
customize your faction and unlock new options by declaring yourself
loyalist or rebel.
Updated graphics bring Sins of a Solar Empire to life as never
before, with new particle effects, enhanced textures, and improved
massive Titans enter the fray - each with upgradable special
abilities - giving loyalist and rebel factions a way to eliminate
their foes.
Three new capital ships bring immediate options to the table,
offering even greater strategic depth; while existing capital ships
have been rebalanced for their roles.
technologies grant loyalist and rebel factions new ways to advance
towards the ultimate victory!
corvette class ships use their enhanced speed and maneuverability to
weave through the battlefield, inflicting damage to enemy ships’
enhancements make single-player games more fun and challenging than
Multiplayer optimizations for Ironclad Online make getting games set
up simple.
victory conditions provide multiple paths towards becoming emperor
of the galaxy.
