A lot of the time these games are slow moving
affairs with your character making it’s way through a nicely pre
rendered world and listening to stacks of dialogue. This time it’s a
different affair with an adventure game that takes a somewhat unique
spin on things with the game playing out from a first person
perspective. It’s pretty cool and does change the way that you take
on the title.

People have gone missing Holmes and it’s your job
to look everywhere for clues that can help save the good folk. But
will you do that in time? There is a very different feel to this
game with the third person angle to it all and it is sometimes hard
to find everything that is around with the total new world
perspective that you have.
I found during gameplay that it was hard to find
things that you needed to progress through the game. Whilst the
viewpoint is interesting, it’s hard to get a lock on stuff that gets
you through the game. You have to almost look directly at
interactive objects before you will get any indication that they are
usable. It does get frustrating.
Holmes keeps records though the game which you
can refer to. They are packed with information and make for a good
addition to the title. Mystery junkies will love the level of
detail, however the speed that you have to play the game got on my
nerves after a while.

This is a good looking game though and I think
that gamers will get caught on more than one occasion simply
glancing around. Everything seems to be richly detailed and is a
lush game environment to play around in as you gather clues up on
your quest. The soundtrack is also a great addition to the game,
making you fee like you are really a part of something bigger than
you are.
The game is one of those that is hit or miss
though, I think that fanatics will love the level of detail and
Holmes aficionados will be more than happy to play the game despite
the problems with interacting with objects within the environment. I
would say that if you are not sure about this though, you can always
give the title a quick rent. The payoff is ultimately there but you
have to be aware of some of the shortcomings you might experience.