PSP Movie Creator
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A simple yet very effective program, the
PSP Movie Creator from PQDVD converts DVD movies to PSP format. So
simple, once you make all your setting the way you want, most
conversions take only a click of the mouse.

The program also acts as a PSP video management tool, connects directly
to the PSP via USB cable and transfers videos practically automatically.
Making things even easier the PSP Movie Creator sets default PSP video
file names, title and captures video thumbnails. The video thumbnails
are a useful feature; in the middle of recording/previewing a click of
the mouse enables you to capture a frame to use as the thumbnail for the
video. Even better, I liked the fact that you are able to capture in the
middle of your recording or previewing, very nice indeed.
Using the program, there is a built in PSP video explorer window that
lists videos and the PSP video titles. Better yet, when a PSP is
connected and detected the program displays a pie chart to show how much
free space there is on a memory stick. It further shows what types of
files are taking up room on the memory stick.
The PSP movie creator software converts most video formats to the PSP.
Including such formats as DVD, DivX/XviD video, AVI, wmv, MPG, Mpeg, Dat
(VCD),To name just a few. DVD subtitles are supported.
In the latest version a batch conversion mode is available and H.264
support and smaller file sizes than past releases.
While the software takes almost the length of the film to convert it,
like the film is two hours long it takes just about that long to
convert. I found the program well worth the time, effort and the money
to be able to convert some of my favorite clips, films and personal
videos to share on the PSP.
Each test we did brought about very good reproductions and only minor
stutters depending on how far or how low we put the quality in the
conversion sliders. Family owned DVD’s of trips all came across very
well, other DVD’s in our personal collection had different results. None
of which where overtly bad, only once did we run across a DVD title that
would not transfer properly. Not a bad record at all.
The only minor thing that would have been nicer is if there was an
option to choose what parts of an episodic DVD we wanted to convert as
apposed to having to convert one part and then come back and convert the
next one and so on and so forth. A select all feature would have been
nice, or some kind of check box to choose which parts to convert.

Minor thing, and only suggestive really, this does not bode ill of an
excellent program. The PSP Movie Creator from PQ DVD is one of my top
pick programs to expand the use of your PSP.
To make it all work there are a few things you do need of course. A Sony
Portable Playstation for one, Duh! The PSP Movie Creator software and a
USB cable and memory stick to be able to hook up to your computer and
convert and place the files onto your PSP memory stick. You will need to
have a DVD rom drive on your Computer to read any DVD’s another Duh
there, and tah dah, some kind of DVD player software installed on your
PC. Not to worry most DVD rom drives and computers come with such
software so you should be set. If Not check out WinDVD or Power DVD as
something to get you started.
While there are other programs out there that do some or more of what
this program does, this one is such a snap to use, its very user
friendly. That makes this program a true Impulse Gamer pick.
Top marks all around for PSP Movie Creator from PQDVD.
Have fun, play games!
Edwin Millheim