Inspyder Sitemap Creator

Sitemaps are an integral part of websites
that assist Google and other search engines understand your content.
Sitemaps also assist search engines in indexing your site and if you are
part of the Google Webmasters Tools, you would know the importance of
the sitemap area. A sitemap or XML file is a must have file to ensure
that your website is indexed correctly and more importantly, assist with
those search engine rankings.
Although there are free Sitemap Creators on
the web, 99% of these only allow limited sitemaps so if you have a
website with more than 2,000 pages, it will not be spidered correctly.
Another issue with some of the free sitemap generators is that they are
complicated to run but fortunately this is where Inspyder Sitemap
Creator comes into play.

For just $39.99USD (March 2013), users can
download the Inspyder Sitemap Creator which is not only easy to use but
allows you to create and modify sitemaps and even upload them to your
website. Inspyder also offers unlimited pages, is 100% Google Compatible
and has the ability to automatically generate sitemaps on a scheduling
The installation of Inspyder is a breeze
and once installed, the user is greeted to a very user friendly
interface. You simply type in your Root URL (e.g. the main address for
your site) and then click "Go" to spider your website. Another feature
of Inspyder is the ability to Pause and Stop your sitemap generation. By
saving projects, you can easily come back to your website and re-spider
new pages or areas of your site.

Impulse Gamer (no images and some exclusions) was spidered in just under
one hour and this is what we were
looking for, a fast sitemap creator. As mentioned, Inspyder allows you to save projects and
modify your sitemaps such as excluding certain areas from your website
(e.g. and the ability to create priority
rules such as the change frequency of certain pages.
only issue with the priority of pages is that you cannot select multiple
pages, unless they are in a certain directory where you can create a
rule. I'm hoping that the developers will be able to create this option
in future versions. With that said, Inspyder even checks for new updates
when the program is loaded so you can rest assured that this program
will be supported.

those users who want to modify their sitemaps, the program offers you to
upload your sitemaps automatically to your website, ignore certain
content such as images and easily investigate errors. Add in the ability
to ping and even receive an e-mail notification and Inspyder is a must
have tool for all owners of websites. It even has the ability to
retrieve title and caption information from your websites metadata in
order to enhance your sitemap.

you're after a powerful yet simple to use sitemap creator than InSpyder
is your answer. Not only is it affordable but it has a whole wealth of
features to ensure that your website is spidered correctly with no
errors, easy upload and best of 100% compatible with Google. Don't
believe us? Check out the trial version!
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