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So.. Ok, I open my email through the multitude of other emails
of review requests press releases and such... and this one
catches my eye. Looking over the premise grabs my interest right
away. Having written some sci fi comics and Role Playing Games
based on a mix of space, Earth, and it's oceans called Bright
Future...I was game for something that would incorporate
something as exciting as zero G combat. Especially if it has a
mix of Sci Fi and reality.

Because it's my thoughts on a cool concept as well. Shattered
Horizon from FutureMark Game Studios delivers the goods here.
Shattered Horizon is a multiplayer first-person shooter. Players
battle it out in the Zero G environment surrounded by the
remains of Earth's Moon. Billions of tons of rock, metals and
dust now orbit the Earth and the player's must survive. Spinning
off into the vastness of space is not the only hazards here, a
fast moving micro meteor can ruin anyone's day.
There is complete freedom of movement here in Shattered Horizon.
The zero gravity makes for an interesting battle ground
environment, where new types of tactics have to be adopted. It
opens up incredible possibilities. There is a familiarity to
this first person shooter, the environment and over all
experience makes it shiny and new.
The basic back story to the game goes like this...Shattered
Horizon is set 40 years from now. Man is back on the Moon and
the companies that took him there are reaping huge profits.
Their greed soon leads to the largest mining accident in
history. A catastrophic explosion throws billions of tons of
rocky debris into near-Earth space, its aftershocks threatening
to tear apart the Moon itself. Fragments of the Moon settle
around the Earth and become known as the Arc, named after the
dramatic shape they draw across the night sky. With Earth
surrounded by debris there's little chance of rescue or return
for the thousands of people stranded in space.
International Space Agency's (ISA) astronauts and scientists
trapped in the battered International Space Station are given
the task of apprehending those responsible for the catastrophe.
Weapons are among the last supplies sent to the station before
the supply route from Earth is cut. The Moon Mining Cooperative
(MMC) finds itself facing serious charges after only barely
surviving the cataclysm. Cut off from Earth, they see the ISA as
a threat to their very existence.

So it comes down to survival, armed conflict in space explodes
as the two sides face off. Players choose to play either with
the MMC or ISA. Fast paced battles over several strategic
locations and the low supplies needed to survive. Survival
depends on control of the Arc, or it's certain death for the
looser in the vastness of space. Let me tell you one thing that
should be obvious. Cover is life should be a universal thing.
Floating around in space in the open is a sure way for you to
take some hits and bleed away not only your life blood, but your
oxygen as well. Cover, cover , cover.
Gaming in Zero Gravity can take some getting used to, but once
you learn the basics of the controls your all set for some heavy
combat. I do know that thinking in just a two dimensional way is
not the way to go. There are so many ways to get to point A to
B. It's it's not always a straight line, nor is it always right
side up... of course in space right side up or upside down is
Imagine if you will orbiting the Earth at around 200 miles
altitude. The speed of your orbit is around 18,000 miles per
hour. Your in a state of "apparent weightlessness." Your
floating. Whether your inside or outside of a craft or structure
you have to be tethered somehow to effectively to perform tasks.
In Shattered Horizon, a press of the button causes the suits
systems to attach the wearer to a surface. Effectively aligning
them to the surface, be that on the side, upside down or what
have you.
Propulsion in
the game is also handled by the suits maneuvering thrusters.
Allowing the player to move about freely in the environment.
Using the thrusters keeps the player from spinning out of
control from recoil from weapons discharge.
Players are equipped with a multi purpose rifle. Good for
everything from long range to mid range to up-close and
personal, when this darling speaks she commands attention.
Now the rifle is not the only weapon in the mix. A particular
nasty weapon , the
tactical grenade gives out a burst of an electro magnetic pulse,
crashing out an enemy heads up display and making the propulsion
system far less responsive.
ICE Grenades as the name implies are pretty wicked cool, because
when discharged they release a fine cloud of crystal ice, this
effect blocks enemy radar and line of sight from enemy fire.
Getting creative tactically it can also be used to some effect
like a flashbang. Blasting this thing off on an unsuspecting
enemy can have a disorienting effect on them, if a fast get away
is needed these bad boys may be what you need.

MPR grenades can be used to dislodge enemies, or pushing back
enemy or other floating objects. Knocking back an attacker with
one of these may buy you some time to return fire or get to
Right now there is the usual fare to be had as in most
multi-player games.
In Shattered Horizon you can play three different game modes
called Battle, Assault and Skirmish. All three modes support a
maximum of 32 players divided into two teams. Battle two teams
compete to capture control points and dominate the map. Teams
must defend their own control points while attacking the
Assault is a turn-based control point capture game. Teams take
turns attacking and defending. Control points cannot be
recaptured by the defending team once lost. The attacking team
must capture all control points in order to win the round.
Skirmish is a team deathmatch game mode. At the end of the
round, the final score
determines the winning team.
I would like to have seen some more interesting scenarios in the
and who knows, with planned expansions on the game we may see
more in the mix. Would be cool to perhaps even instead of
capture a flag, capture an intact shuttle, the payload being
much needed supplies and or weapons. Either way I am looking
forward to expansion on this incredible game. At this time the
environment gives it that extra boost, the back story is just
that a back story. With no single player element, nor extra
story content to ground it even further with intriguing events,
this multi-player only game still rises well above it's peers.
The control lay out is well done and anyone playing any form of
FPS on the computer will feel right at home.
Sound... oh the sound. Before any one protests about no sound in
space... the developers had to come to a balance of fun and
reality and sci fi. Having sounds and audible cues is a lot more
fun than floating around just listing to yourself breathing. The
sound over all is well done. From sound effects, to the music
that almost melts into the back ground and becomes an over all
part of the experience. That unto itself is a mark of a good
musical score in a game.
Visuals, oh my the visuals. FutureMark Game Studio made a choice
early on, that for any PC games, would only be run on the most
up to date rigs. That means Vista or Windows 7.
If you do not
have direct X 10 only game. Now some gamers may feel left out,
progress marches on. If a company does not march with it, then
they are left in the dust and can well stagnate and die as a
company. So I can understand the choice. And Shattered Horizon
really makes full use of what Direct X 10 has to offer. We
tested on a Dell Lap Top meeting the minimum and it played
pretty well. The visuals are stunning. In our test copy I went
into a training server with no one else there, just so I can go
around and check out the graphics. I am really not sure what I
expected, but I sure never expected the look and sense that the
game produces. Some of the environment is rather bland, after
all it's rocks. There are some contrasts such as bits of
equipment and different structures and large shipping
containers. These tend to be blocky and plain with bright
colors. It all sits well with the feel of what the environment
The vastness of space in the distance, with stars and galaxies.
A shattered Moon, the rock and debris field, and the earth so
close and yet so far. Our galaxies sun shining and throwing out
blinding cascades into the blackness. More even, we are in
orbit. We are moving in orbit along with everything else. There
is an incredible sense of movement, of being there. To use the
cliché , breath taking is fully appropriate here. Shattered
Horizon's visuals are breath Taking. It fills you with the
wonders of space.
What you are going to need to run the game:
OS: Windows Vista/7 (Does not support Windows XP)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 / AMD Athlon64 X2 5600+
Memory: 2GB
Graphics: 256MB NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT / ATI Radeon HD 3870
DirectX®: 10 (Does not support DirectX 9)
Hard Drive: 1.5 GB
Sound: Windows Vista compatible sound card
OS: Windows Vista/7 (Does not support Windows XP)
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 / AMD Phenom II X4 940
Memory: 2GB
Graphics: 512MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 / ATI Radeon HD 4870
DirectX®: 10 (Does not support DirectX 9)
Hard Drive: 1.5GB
Sound: Windows Vista compatible sound card
Being multi-player only may cause this game to drop off the
radar if not for planned
updates and add on content. The games staying power may end up
depending on only the hard core fans with the rigs to run it.
Community support, and extra content I stress may be the telling
factor in the long run here.
Shattered Horizon earns high scores in several respects. It's a
great multi-player game, those looking for something deeper or a
single player experience may not find what they are looking for
here. Though a group or several groups that actually role play
in their games may transform the experience to something on a
deeper level. The space battles await, jump on in!
Have fun, play games.
Edwin Millheim
United States Editor Impulse Gamer.