you guys remember that movie from back in the day that made you have
the time of your life? Well most of you reading this wouldn’t, but
just go to your local video shop and get a copy of the movie by the
same name as the game that you are reading about.

Basically the story behind the movie is one of love, drama and of
course dancing. And to be perfectly honest I have no idea how and
why the game that we are reviewing really follows any part of that
movie as what we are presented with is a hodge podge of bits and
pieces of different genres that don’t always seem to mesh.
What we are we really doing with a series of mini games that
interface with something that reminds me somewhat of a Mario game
with the map of the world that you are playing in with destinations
to visit. You are on a summer camp though and the basis is that
there are different activities that you need to undertake whilst
playing through the game.
Once you are at the camp you are given a cabin that during the game
you outfit with various mod cons that make your life easier. It’s
then the game ramps up to feel a bit like the Sims but with a slight
more corny interface.
don’t really understand why the game jumps around the way it does
but it just feels like all this stuff is just tacked together. Don’t
get me wrong, some of the activities are enjoyable but I would have
thought with a game like this that they would have focused more on
the dancing than the jump around we experience with this game.

The game does reference the movie and to be honest you have to be
familiar with it to get the most out of the game. I would really
suggest that you see the movie before playing as some of the puzzles
do require knowledge of the events of the movie and will have you
saying “what the?” on more than one occasion. The only problem is
that I personally did not find the game so compelling as to muddle
through it all.
Graphically the look of the title is simplistic and should not push
anyone’s system. It’s quite cartoony and reminds me of basic flash
games that you can play online for free. It’s almost to the point
that I’d be tempted to give Dirty Dancing a miss unless you are a
fan of the movie and just can’t get enough of Patrick Swayze and
whatever her name is. It’s just not grabbing me enough that I wanted
to return to the game after reviewing it for impulsegamer.