Company of Heroes 2
As much as the West would like you to
believe otherwise, it was actually the Russians who did the real
heavy-lifting defeating the Nazis in World War II. Sure, the Americans
like to talk themselves up, and in the Pacific they were da’ bomb
(literally), but which front would you rather be stationed at? Amongst
the hedgerows of provincial France fighting German teenagers, or
slogging through the bitter winter of Poland and the Ukraine having to
face Hitler’s Wehrmacht, the original storm troopers? I don’t recall in
Hogan’s Heroes, Colonel Clink ever getting threatened with a
transfer to Paris. Indeed, the real horror was the Russian Front.

Company of Heroes 2 is the long-awaited sequel to its namesake, which
dealt with the Allied push from Omaha Beach to Berlin. Here instead we
start with the siege of Stalingrad. COH2’s campaign is the arc of
horrifically bloody battles that made up the Red Army’s westward fight
to ultimately meet up with the Yanks on the Reichstag steps.
If you
never played the original Company of Heroes, COH2 is a real-time
strategy game in the classic vein. However while most RTS concentrate on
harvesting resources and base-building, COH2 is more about acquiring key
map points, planting flags and gaining ground. The three resources are
manpower, munitions, and fuel, and in order to maintain and potentially
increase their flow, you have to keep your supply lines open. The more
map you control, the more stuff that can be brought up to your front.
There is fortification building and creating command posts, but you
won’t be constructing any sprawling bases like in Starcraft or Command
and Conquer. COH is all about keeping moving. And this is what makes it
so different and fun.

graphics are suitably spectacular, with well rendered models, detailed
environments and maps, and plenty of horrific explosions. The sound is
awesome, the tanks creak and groan, the men scream, the rifles rattle
and the wind howls. Do yourself a favour and turn off the music. The
audio of war will transport you there far quicker than any bombastic
orchestra score.
COH2 you don’t control individual men, you command squads at a time,
which makes for more epic and chaotic battles of hundreds of troops
facing off. Naturally you’ll have all the toys; machine gunners,
snipers, engineers, tanks, artillery, paratroopers, air-strikes, HMGs,
flame-throwers, and anything else you can think of. Epic Games have done
a wonderful job integrating every deadly weapon, and making sure they
are balanced and useful.

wouldn’t be the Eastern Front if the game didn’t include the Russians
most formidable ally – Mother Winter. The game’s maps sprawl through
frozen cities, towns, tundras and forests. Forces can freeze, fall
through ice, get caught in blizzards, or simply bog. Learning to use
pitfalls of this deadly theatre against the enemy can be just as
effective as any tank or dive-bomber.
is divided up into the usual fare. There’s the campaign, complete with
well-animated but ultimately tedious cut-scenes, one-off battles and
epic historical encounters, and a great multiplayer lobby to seek out
human opponents. There are unlockable skins, medals and weaponry, most
being cosmetic and ineffectual, but good fun all the same.

only real gripe with COH2 is that, as always, there is no German
campaign. They can be accessed for multiplayer or the singular battles,
but the stigma of the playing the Nazis still hangs so great over all
our heads, no game-maker will dare go there. Hey, I’m no Nazi, but I can
play the Zerg in Starcraft, the orcs in Lord of the Rings, and NOD in
Red Alert. If I can play as a rampaging communist one day, I should be
able to play as a ruthless fascist the next.
Final Thoughts?
you’re not into real time strategy, this game won’t change your mind.
There isn’t a huge difference between COH2 and its 2009 original, just
prettier graphics, and a new campaign. However if snow and shooting
Germans is your thing, snap this up immediately. I know I’d rather be
Red than dead, and all my comrades agree. COH2 is almost as enjoyable as
a night on the Vodka.

Key Features
Award Winning Franchise
– Sequel to the highest
rated strategy game of
all-time* returns with an
innovative warfare
experience that will
redefine the Strategy genre
once more.
Essence 3.0 Engine –
Cutting-edge technology that
increases the graphical
quality and accuracy of
deadly combat with the
unprecedented TrueSight
system and ultrarealistic
ColdTech dynamic weather
that changes strategic
warfare forever.
Blood and Snow – Take
command of the iconic Red
Army on the Eastern Front
and repel the Nazi invaders
in this Battle of the
Tactical Warfare –
Develop and utilize your new
Commander Abilities and
experience the up-close
moment-tomoment brutality of
frontline warfare through
new Dynamic Battle Tactics.
Intense Online Combat
– Featuring the great
competitive and Cooperative
multiplayer that fans have
grown to expect from this
high-quality and critically
acclaimed franchise.