The latest and “bloody” game of American football has arrived on the
PC with developers Cyanide Studios once again coming back to the sporting
world of Orcs and Elves set in the violent universe of Blood Bowl.
If Blood Bowl sounds a little familiar, you are probably an
older gamer because this was originally a board game created by
Game Workshop. Ironically, after so many years, it still has a loyal
following and although it didn’t reach the heights of the main Warhammer
it was an interesting diversion to the traditional Dungeon’s &
Dragons game. Turn based strategy sport games just got bloodier

terms of gameplay, Blood Bowl Legendary Edition is not your
traditional sports game but you’ve probably guessed that already. As opposed to the console sport games, this title is a turn based
strategy. The biggest change to this edition as opposed to previous
games is that the developers have included a variety of new races
into the mix such as High Elves and the Undead.
can also "glamour" their foes which does allow you to control them.
The secret is 11 new playable races! Then you have the
streamlined online play that actually makes it more fun to play it
online as opposed to single-player. The only issues with online is
trying to find another player and with offline, the AI is a little
less than challenging.
you haven’t played the board game or the previous PC game, I
thoroughly recommend that you follow every step of the tutorial
because as opposed to American Football, there are quite a few
tweaks and changes to be found. From kicks to tackles and dodging,
the learning curve of this title, especially if you are unfamiliar
with American Football or rugby to an extent is quite high. Things
become even more challenging with the inclusion of Blood Bowl rules.

The Ogres!
Once you have completed the tutorial, the story mode is probably
the best place to start which allows you to put your skills into
action…slowly. In this mode, you play a mercenary trainer or "coach" for your selected
race, (the High Elves are so cool) as you play a variety of games.
Another fun mode is the campaign mode which offers you a plethora of
levels or games to play but offers some unlockable content as you
gain new powers and players.
However the star of the title is playing the game online as you
engage in a variety of matches and leagues. There is a new
commissioner tool that has been added into the game. This gives the
owner of a particular league, some power in terms of resetting
matches or replays. This is how Blood Bowl should be played. Just be
warned that dying sucks... especially when one of your stars
decided to take a dirt nap from getting killed by an opponent or
Or those pesky vampires
that get blood lust and wish to feed on not only their opponents but
also the fans!

The Undead
The graphics mirror the board game perfectly and all the characters
look like their real-world miniature painted figures. The animation
is good as are the stadium backgrounds and special effects. It’s
funny seeing these mythical creatures compete in a sport game
similar to American Football with its all regalia. The stadiums look
pretty cool as well and there around 10 new areas for you to compete
in. The soundtrack
with its rock inspired mythic focus suits the game well as do the
sound effects and some of those THUDS are loud. Overall, it’s a
good looking game on the PC, especially on high detail.
do I recommend this game? If you’re a fan of Blood Bowl, than you’ve
come to the right place but just be warned that online play is a
must. Sports fans would probably be annoyed due to the limited
control of the players but once again this game is a strategy not an
arcade sports title. Hopefully Cyanide will release a few patches to
fix some of the AI issues and at times, some clipping problems with the
graphics. It just seems that developers are focusing more online
these days as opposed to single-player which is a shame but if Blood
Bowl is your cup of tea, check this out.

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