BitDefender GameSafe

This protection suite offers low priced
protection for the PC gamer searching for less negative impact on their
gaming experience. BitDefender GameSafe claims to keep up the protection
while leaving a small footprint on the computers resources. I am a true
believer in giving a company some press, especially when they are true
believers in the product. The BitDefender GameSafe representative who
contacted us was certainly enthusiastic about the product. So we took
the program suite on blast of a test drive. A Marathon of gaming and
downloads and scans, updates and even tested customer service out to see
the full picture of this product.

While the over all claims and functions can
also be found in other security software suites, we found that
BitDefender GameSafe was for the most part, simple to set up and to use.
Downloading the trial version and soon after you purchase a license you
can then activate the product and use it past the evaluation period.
The install of the software was fast and simple and of course at the end
required the customary restart of the system. One thing of note for
those that are installing this or any other Virus or firewall
protection. Make sure you un-install any other virus protection you have
before installing GameSafe. Having two virus protection softwares on
your system at once can actually counter each program and make it easier
for a virus to infect the system.

In the middle of installing the program it
asks to do a scan to make sure there are no infections on the system.
After the scan and the install there are some simple set ups and you're
off and running.
The program fished out some cookies that where questionable and got id
of them for me, no fuss no muss. It even left alone a couple of game
cookies that where not a problem. Other software tested actually flagged
those cookies as issues. So I was happy about that. The scan results are
shown on a scan statistics screen with everything well placed and easy
to read. Though I did have to raise an eyebrow with one heading. The
“Not Scanned password protected items.” Logically I thought these would
be archived or zipped files, I was part right. These would include any
password protected items in a programs build. I had to ask someone about
this because other programs I have tested actually will scan such
archived and or zipped files, if not on an initial scan then with a scan
on demand. In other words by finding the file left clicking and scanning
the program from the pop up menu. BitDefender GameSafe can and does also
do scan on demand.

In regard to password protected
files...What we had been told is that such files would need to be
extracted or unzipped and then scanned. Hmmm pretty risky if something
nasty was hiding inside and was self executable on extraction. It was
advised that GameSafe would at that point stop and clean any infected
files upon detection before any damage was done. Though Non password
protected items can be scanned. I remain slightly skeptical at this,
though nothing to the contrary came up in any of my research nor tests.
So the program is solid in these respects and works.
Now let's play some game and test this out. So firing up Steam and
playing several different game sessions of Left 4 Dead (ranging about 8
hours in all of gaming on and off) showed that there was not one stutter
in performance. Either running GameSafe fully or in what is called game
mode. I would imagine it also depends on the system resources as well.
But GameSafe does in fact do what it says it does. It seems to have
actually combined speed and security in one package.

There is little to no pull on the systems
processing power, nor its memory or virtual memory. Very nice. With a
simple click the program goes into gamer mode, postponing any automatic
updates or scans. It also stops any alerts or pop ups. Only the most
important critical files get scanned during gamer mode.
BitDefender GameSafe comes with an impressive array of tools,
Antivirus/Antispyware, the updates seem to be very aggressive and keeps
the program up to date against threats with hourly updates as needed.
Over all the scan speeds seem acceptable, no slower or faster than most
other software.

Anti-Phishing software, it filters all
accessed web pages and assists in reducing the risk of identity theft.
Firewall, this firewall of course is designed to work with gaming so
there is no need to drop the wall for you're gaming needs. It assists in
hiding your computer from outside sources.
Even better the companies customer service has a very active message and
discussion board at They seem to take
high interest in addressing the concerns of its customers. This is
backed up when you send an email to customer support as well. As with
most companies an automated message advises they got your email and will
soon be answering your concern. Then , they do.... Plus one for

Check out the BitDefender site at
for Australian users or for international users.
Check out what they have to offer and even
do a free online scan of your system.
BitDefender GameSafe is a surprisingly simple yet powerful tool that any
gamer would do well to look into.
Have fun, play games.
Edwin Millheim