PC Gaming is dead. Police uses Consoles instead
THQ Nordic Announces Release Date for This Is the Police on Playstation 4 and Xbox One
Vienna, Austria/Minsk, Belarus – February 16th, 2017:
Dear PC community,
Allow me to briefly introduce myself. My name is Boyd, Jack Boyd, Freeburg’s Police Chief in charge, and I hereby would like to revoke our exclusivity.
To cut to the chase: the PCMR (not only the subreddit, but the entire PC gaming community) had me exclusively for quite some time now. Here are some alternative facts for you: After playing my gritty ass for 1.7 million hours, raking in 85 billion dollars of corruption money (President Trump, let me pay for that wall), and protecting the mob from tens of thousands of charges and felonies, I think it is time to move on.
After offering my services on the PC platform over the past couple of months, I’m tired, exhausted, bored, and just need a change of scenery. I recently got an offer from two competing platform holders in that department. I would like to do without the usual name-dropping of Microsoft and Sony, but sometimes a man’s gotta do, what a man’s gotta do.
I hope you are not disappointed when our period of exclusivity is over, and that I would like to start working on other platforms beginning with March 23rd 2017.
Best regards,
Jack Boyd
Chief of Police, Freeburg PD