
Published on October 14th, 2024 | by Daniel

PAX Day Three Photos – @PAXAUS @PAXAUS2024

And that’s a wrap! PAX Aus day three is over! It’s always a bittersweet feeling to be leaving at the end of the PAX weekend. It feels like home every time it comes around each year and even though it has the most days and the most activities, somehow it feels like it goes by faster than other conventions!

As always the Sunday is the quietest day, but that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do, not in the slightest. It’s actually my favourite day to go around and play some of the Indie games on show. And that’s just what I did today!

Of course, there was still plenty of cosplay on offer, quite a lot of them could be found participating in the Cosplay Central Crown Championship Finals! And even more in the Cosplay Catwalk during the judging period of the same panel. This time I was a lot further away from the stage, so I really got to put my long range 100-400mm lens to good use.

So check out the below gallery for a summary of all the shots I took today! Tomorrow’s the big day! Stay tuned for my full review covering all the highlights across the weekend!



You can find this, and more of my reviews and events coverage here

About the Author

Hi I'm Dan! 33 and Non-Binary. When I'm not writing reviews. I like to get deeply immersed in the lore of an mmo or rpg, cruise the forest or coastal roads of Victoria, watch anime, read manga, build model kits and do a bit of sketching on the side.

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