Olivia Porter Interview (Circus Oz 2015: But Wait…There’s More!)
Welcome to Impulse Gamer Olivia and tell us how you became involved in Circus Oz?
I became involved with Circus Oz in early 2014 when I was headhunted by our current artistic director Mike Finch, at the Mullimbimby Circus Festival. I was performing a juggling piece as a crazed character in her underwear that involved 13 balls but I only ever juggled one at a time while losing them and driving them into the audience. For some reason that drew interest from Circus Oz and they auditioned me and now I am here.
Can you tell us came up with your current character in But Wait…There’s More?
What character? It’s all me. I’m an idiot. So it’s easy to play one.
What kind of practice do you do before the shows?
I skip, I do ab and core conditioning, I train handstands, I stand on people’s shoulders and they stand on mine and sometimes at the same time. Then I plug in my headphones and I juggle, I might do a few forward rolls and some cartwheels, then I’ll sit in splits, do a few back arches, might pump out some “Chuck” (he’s our workout machine backstage) do some chin ups, then I often will steal a few of Lil’s hoops and attempt to split them badly. Then I’ll pop on some makeup and usually it is time to hit the stage.
Your amazing juggling routine had the entire house in wonder, how did you learn to control all those Hacky Sacks?
This is a common, understandable mistake but… they are not hacky sacks, they are juggling balls. And secondly, I’m actually terrible at hacky sack. I learned this recently when I tried to play it with some kids – they were all much better than me. I was once a soccer player, so when I started juggling, it was just natural to use my feet. It’s fun to play with different parts of your body. Keeps it interesting.
What do you love about your routine the most?
I love the music. And I love that Kyle always nails the roll between my legs (it’s really quite hard to roll that accurately)
Tell us why you like being involved with Circus Oz?
I am lucky enough to work on the floor with the best bunch of talented idiots. It’s an extremely supportive, fun and inspiring group of people that I get to play with on stage, everyday.
Besides yourself (grin)…what is your favourite part of the performance in But Wait…There’s More?
There are many great parts in the show, everyone brings something unique and amazing to the show. But I do love it when Dale is on the mic, it’s hard not to break character and giggle.
Can you tell us the funniest thing that has happened while practicing with Circus Oz?
There are constantly hilarious things that happen on and off stage in circus Oz. I could list them for days. But I won’t do that.
One was when we did a dress run for a selected audience. Dale usually does a silly quick change act and pulls his pants down to some sparkly undies, but he had not practiced in his new costume and pulled everything down to a bunch of unexpected children.
How would you sum up But Wait…There’s More to our audience?
But Wait…There’s More is high paced, slightly kooky, amazingly skilled circus show under the heated big top at Birrarung Mar. There may even be some lions, or just some really hot acrobats dressed as lions (but I can’t promise they’re tame).
So what else does 2015 hold for you Olivia?
2015 holds a regional tour with But Wait…There’s More through Victoria and New South Wales. As well as lots of new tricks and many more laughs with the crew.
Thanks for your time Olivia and all the best for Circus Oz But Wait…There’s More!
Photos – Rob Blackburn