Trapped in an immortality without explanation, THE OLD GUARD follows Andromache of Scythia—“Andy”—and her comrades as they ply their trade for those who can find—and afford—their services. Set in the 21st century where immortality is a hard secret to keep, this action-packed new series explores what happens when you live just long enough to learn that there are many fates worse than death.
“I’ve loved working with Leo since our Queen & Country days, and being able to tell this story with him at Image is pretty much all the cake, and the icing, and the presents,” said Rucka. “Leo’s storytelling is perfect for this, a wonderful blend of realism that marries some terrific over-the-top action. We’re hoping people will have as much fun reading this as we’re having making it!”
Fernandez added: “A story from Greg? The chance to develop it with him from the scratch? Cool characters? Cool scenarios? Cool situations? Cool action? I get to draw different eras in history and have the freedom to produce some of my best work? …I’ve been waiting for this too long as to screw it up!”
THE OLD GUARD #1 (Diamond Code DEC160622) hits stores on February 22nd. The final order cutoff for comics retailers is January 30th.