Nuking Alaska – Notes of an Atomic Fugitive Review (2023)
Summary: A well-written and approachable story relating to nuclear arms in Alaska including some things that not as well known.
Long running cartoonist for the Anchorage Daily News reveals the Cold War nuclear history of Alaska from secret nuclear bases, hare-brained nuclear harbour construction schemes and testing leading to the foundation of the anti-nuclear protest movement starting in the early 1960s and continuing until today.
While I new about the early warning systems stationed in Alaska, I never knew about the actual short range nuclear missiles stationed there meant to shoot down enemy bombers. The nuclear harbour construction and weapons testing in the state were also new to me.
This is presented in a very approachable style which makes it easier to follow and process than something like the Secret of Emu Field which was important, but very dry and hard to get into at the beginning. There is also more personal perspective from the writer rather than just drawing from official sources so there was a consistent voice to present the story.
I would recommend this one to people wanting to know more about Cold War Era nuclear development and anyone wanting to know more about hidden projects that are not that well known since only the Pacific testing and those tests near Las Vegas seem to get public engagement.
Book details:
Writer/Artist: Peter Dunlap-Shohl
Publisher: Graphic Mundi
Published Date: June 27 2023
Genre: Non-fiction
Format: 104 pages, 6.5″ × 8.5″