Nick Cody Interview (2014 Melbourne Comedy Festival)
Welcome to Impulse Gamer Ronny your one stop shop for online entertainment!
We’ve heard you’re a gamer, what’s your defining moment as a gamer and have you played South Park the Stick of Truth?
I loved the ending of God of War 3. Just an awesome way to finish my favourite game trilogy. I don’t count the other God of War games in there.
Oh and the end of Portal 2 and Limbo were also amazing.
I haven’t played South Park Stick of Truth yet as I saw on Steam we can only get the Low Violence version here. Off to The Pirate Bay I guess.
Pirate Bay? What’s that? Oh… Google just told me!
So… what does Here’s Trouble mean?
“Here’s trouble” is what you say when a larrikin mate turns up. I love the saying. It reminds me of a pub and fun times ahead.
Tell about your brand of comedy?
Mostly true stories about the many dumb things I’ve gotten myself into, mixed with my take on everyday life as a 26 year old that is terrified of marriage and children.
Who inspires you?
Bill Burr, Louis CK, Jim Jefferies, Lawrence Mooney.
How did you become a comedian?
Loved it since I was a little kid. Started by doing RAW Comedy Comp. Didn’t make it through. Sucked for a while, persisted and got a whole lot better.
Have you ever used your powers as a comedian for evil?
Yeah of course. It can get you out of trouble as people will tend to relax once you make them laugh. Cops and soldiers included, provided you haven’t pissed them off too much.
Tell us a little about your show at the 2014 Melbourne Comedy Festival?
It’s about me going to Afghanistan to entertain the troops, almost getting killed by a bear in Alaska, why I hate yoga and why Air Crash Investigation is my favourite show.
If we come in late, will you abuse us?
Not if you enter politely ;-)
What’s the funniest thing that has happened to you on stage?
I was making fun of my girlfriend and an audience member kept yelling at me that my girlfriend should break up with me. The audience member didn’t know that she was actually sitting next to my girlfriend. My girlfriend was shaking with laughter as she knew I wouldn’t point it out if she didn’t. I don’t know why that made me laugh so hard.
Doing a gig to 1000 troops in Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan. Everyone is packing two guns except me and there was a chance of a rocket attack that night. All the troops were loving the show and I was trying not to shit myself.
Sum up your show in 10 words or less?
Give the leftover words to the next guy.
Thanks for your time Nick and good luck for the 2014 Melbourne Comedy Festival!
Nick Cody’s 2014 Melbourne Comedy Festival Tour Dates
Venue: Portland Hotel, Main Room – 115-127 Russell St, Melbourne
Dates: 27 March – 20 April (not Mondays), Previews 27 – 30 March
Tickets: Fri/Sat All Tix $25.00, Tightarse Tue/Previews $15.00, Wed/Thu/Sun Full $20.00 Conc $15.00
Times: 7:15pm Tues – Sat, 6:15pm Sun
Bookings: or 1300 660 013