Nebulaluben Interview … the cosplay is strong in this one!
Welcome to Impulse Gamer Nebulaluben! So tell us what drew you to cosplay?
I knew about cosplay by seeing pictures on the internet. I thought it was amazing, beautiful and my interest grew when I discovered people made their own costumes. I started in 2008, right after finishing my studies. I started working so I had free time (and money) to spend in a hobby. And that’s how it all begun.
To date what’s been your favourite cosplay character you’ve played?
I think it’s Tali from Mass Effect. I enjoyed very much making that costume, it was such a challenge to make! I love my Mass Effect costumes. That game has awesome designs.
Photo credit Sergio Vela Photography
Okay… tell us about your awesome Rey cosplay?
Haha, thanks! Well, Rey is an easy costume and as all easy costumes, I think the key is to get most of the details right to make it as accurate as possible. I spent a lot of time looking for the perfect fabrics here in Madrid. My friend Sae (a fantastic cosplayer) works in a fabric store and she gave me advice and showed me the fabrics for the shirt and the pants. Then I found a plisee gauze for the hanging clothes which I think is perfect in texture but maybe the color is a little darker than I’d like. I’m not 100% happy with that choice, but I think it’s the best fabric I could find.
Can you walk us through your costume creation?
I enjoyed a lot weathering it. Distressing clothes has become one of my favourite tasks and I think Rey’s costume is not the same without some dirt. I used black tea and asphalt to get that realistic used look. For this purpose, and for the first time in my life, I used actual leather instead of pleather for her belts and wristband.
The pouch is made of canvas.
I bought the same boots Daisy wears on screen. Same brand and model (I think cosplayers are paying the university for the children of the people working in this brand). I also made her staff. It’s made using a PVC pipe as a base and ornamented with craft foam and PVC foam. I’m very proud of its finish as this was my first time using real rust paint and I think it looks so credible! I love it.
And her make up is also tricky! It takes me like two hours to kind of emulate her features the best I can. It looks so natural, but it has a lot of work behind.
You can see how I made my costume and prop in my blog ( and I’d like to upload a makeup tutorial in the near future.
Photo credit Jesús Clares
If you had an unlimited budget and time, which character would you create?
I’d like to make some robotics. I’m learning arduino (I’m a beginner) and I’d like to keep on learning and buying stuff to make some cool moving costumes. Which one? I don’t know. I don’t have a big wishlist, I just create as I feel like making some character.
What advice would you give new cosplayers?
Start small and don’t be desperate!! But mainly, start small. Although each big costume can be split in several small projects, I think it’s recommendable to start little by little. And don’t worry if you make mistakes, we all make mistakes. I think cosplay is more a matter of patience than a question of skills. I mean, skills are important, but perseverance is the key.
And look for tutorials! Right now there are plenty of helping explanations you can find on the internet. Don’t be afraid to ask other cosplayers for little advice. We’re always happy to help.
Photo credit Pugoffka
When you saw yourself in character for the first time what did you think?
I started laughing so hard! It was magical seeing myself in the mirror dressed as Shanoa from Castlevania. With blue eyes, black long hair, the armor… it was such a funny moment! I miss it. Now I’m more methodic and I know what to expect from me, so I don’t get surprised as often. I think the last time I felt as excited was the day I finished my Tali helmet because it was so hard to make for me and it came out just as I wanted after a few tries.
Which has been your favourite convention and why?
Difficult question! I don’t know. I’m not very into conventions and I usually have a great time because I hang out with my friends. I would enjoy it the same in a trash dump if I spent my time with them. Yes, it sounds horrible.
Maybe I’m about to attend my most memorable convention as in July I’m going to the Star Wars Celebration in London. It’s been years since I’ve been as excited as this time to go to a convention.
Photo Credit Jesús Clares
Who is favourite cosplayers and why?
Another difficult question! I don’t know. Right know I look up a lot to Punished Props and Evil Ted Smith because I’m very into foam and they’re super inspiring. I follow a lot of foam crafters like them, like Cullen Cosplay, Heroes Workshop, Goldy… but no one is perfect, I like some cosplayers for some specific works or skills they have. Maybe I could say I admire some works instead of cosplayers.
Tell us the coolest thing you own?
In cosplay terms I think right now the coolest thing I have is the Rey staff. I love how it came out. Apart from cosplay, the coolest thing I own is my BB8 Sphero, hihi.
So what does 2016 hold for you with cosplay?
I’m making my costume for the Star Wars Celebration right now (Torch from SWTOR) and my further plans are still not clear. My friends from the Laurazord (we are three Lauras and we call us that way, we are supercool) and I are planning to make some Twi ‘Leks for the end of this year. We’ll see!!
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