Nacon Wired Compact Controller for PlayStation 4 Review
Summary: Nacon Wired Compact Controller is awesome gaming value!
Great Value!
Back in the day, third party peripherals were everywhere, however due to the almost perfect design of modern controllers, particularly on the PlayStation 4, it’s sometimes hard to compare. However given the cost of the DualShock 4, a second controller will set you back around $99.00AUD (March 2018) but if you can forgo the wireless capabilities, there are other alternatives available.
One such alternative is Nacon’s officially licensed Wired Compact Controller that is distributed by Melbourne’s very own Bluemouth Interactive that boasts most of the bells and whistles of Sony’s PlayStation DualShock 4 controller but with a more compact size and super lightweight. This was also the first thing we noticed about the Nacon… its size.
Surprisingly, even though the controller was smaller, it actually felt good in our hands and given that it mimics the DualShock layout, finding the buttons and accessing the functionality of the Nacom proved no problems. In terms of setting up the controller, you simply just plug the Nacon’s USB cable into a spare port on the PlayStation 4 and presto, you’re connected.
With that said, the Nacon comes with a much needed 3-metre long cable, a 3.5mm stereo headset jack, touch pad plus the main PS4 buttons which are Share, Options and PS buttons. Further to this, the controller does feel sturdy and has a decent ergonomic feel. For some ‘gamer’ effect, it even has an LED to help with the overall aesthetics plus it comes in a variety of colours.
Final Thoughts?
For just $49.00AUD, the Nacon Wired Compact Controller for the Playstation 4 is excellent value for money. Not only is it quite comfortable to use but provides some excellent responsiveness and with the 3metre cable, you almost forget about the wireless. Check it out if you’re in the market for a second controller!