Musical-comedy band Tripod collaborate with Austin Wintory (Journey) and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra to preview their upcoming show ‘This Gaming Life’ at PAX Australia 2014!
Friday 26 August, 2014 – Australia’s own ARIA Award-winning Tripod give an exclusive first look at their 2015 Comedy Festival show, This Gaming Life, an exciting collaboration with Grammy-nominated composer Austin Wintory (Journey) and the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra at the upcoming Penny Arcade Expo Australia. Tripod love video games. A lot. So to express the enormity of this love, they’re gonna need a bigger band. Enter Austin Wintory, conducting the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. This Gaming Life is Tripod’s love letter to gaming.
Gatesy creates a Skyrim avatar who looks like his girlfriend and plays when she’s away working. Yon is trying to broaden his gaming tastes which are limited to ones with massive guns. Scod deals with his World of Warcraft addiction by making his wife take the power pack to work. Tripod and members of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra will perform a preview of ‘This Gaming Life’ at PAX Australia on Friday, 31 October 2014.
PAX Australia will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from 31 October to 2 November, 2014 and is organised by ReedPOP in conjunction with Penny Arcade. Tickets are still available and can be purchased only through the PAX Aus website:
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