
Published on July 3rd, 2017 | by Admin

Mr Crayfish Interview

To celebrate Minecraft at the Sydney Opera House, we interview one of the greats of this game… Mr Crayfish (aka Casey)…

Welcome to Impulse Gamer Casey, so how did you become involved in Minecraft?

I first discovered the game while I was back in high school. A friend of mine told me about it, and I instantly fell in love. I had never felt that game way for any other game.

Back then the game was still in the beta stage, only available on PC, and had whole lot less content than it does today.

What’s your favourite aspect about Minecraft?

There is so many aspects of the game I love, but I‘d have to say my favourite is the community. This game has one of the most strongest communities and we helped shape the game it is today. The community also made it possible for me to create a successful YouTube channel featuring content on Minecraft.

Most frustrating?

As someone who has been developing mods for the Java edition of Minecraft for over four years, it’s frustrating that there is no official modding API for developers to use. Currently all of us are relying on third party API called Forge. This also links back to my favourite aspect of Minecraft, the community created Forge and made modding possible.

What are your top 5 tips to new players?

Don’t mine straight down. This is literally the number one rule of Minecraft. Chances are you’ll fall into lava or a ravine! Make sure you keep your inventory and chests organised. There are so many items and blocks in the game, it’s easy for your inventories to become a big mess. ALWAYS bring a spare Flint and Steel when you go into The Nether. If the portal goes out, you have no easy way to get back into the Overworld. Keep the doors closed on any house you make. You don’t know when a creeper might decide to come inside uninvited and blow everything up. Make sure you have a break, Minecraft is addicting and can take over your life ;)

How about veterans? Care to disclose your Minecraft secrets?

You’re a veteran, you should already know all the tricks in the book. But if I was to give a tip to veterans, make sure you have a solid understanding of redstone. It can speed up productivity of grinding, farming, and other common tasks.

Tell us some of your favourite Minecraft mods?

Oh man there are so many I wish I could mention. I actually recently created a video on my YouTube channel highlighting some mods that I wish were in the actual game. One of them is called Hopper Ducts. It’s essentially a simple addition to hoppers in that it adds pipes, so you can transport items in any direction; something that is not easily possible in vanilla Minecraft. Another mod I really like is one called Wolf Armour and Storage, it pretty much allows wolves to wear armour like horses can. It also allows you put a chest on them like you can with a donkey.

How about your mods? What are your top five?

It’s funny that I can actually make a top five, I’ve created so many mods over the past fours, I didn’t expect to do this.

I would say my favourite mod I have created, in no particular order are:

Device Mod (still being developed)Furniture ModSkateboarding ModKey ModPainting Mod

What are you most looking forward to at the Minecraft event in Sydney?

I excited to be surrounded by like minded people and showing them tips and tricks they might not have know. I hope I can show them cool things you can build with redstone.

I should also say I am looking forward to being in Sydney in general, it’s such an alive place compared to where I live in Adelaide.

Lastly besides Minecraft what else do you get up to?

I like to keep up with my skateboarding as I don’t want to lose that skill, so I’m out at least once a week with a couple of friends down at the local park. Otherwise other things that I’m up to is studying for my university course (Bachelor of IT) or playing games (Quite addicted to PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds recently).

Finally… sum up your life of Minecraft in a Twitter Tweet!

Countless hours of my life spent playing this game, easily more than 1000 hours!

Check out Mr Crayfish at and of course

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