Fright Night
by Sophie
Whin on
August 31st, 2011
DreamWorks presents
a film directed by Craig
by Marti Noxon
Anton Yelchin, Colin Farrell, Imogen Poots and David
106 minutes
15th, 2011
remake of Tom Holland’s cult hit Fright Night, directed
by Craig
Gillespie, is a surprisingly fun-filled and intelligent addition to the
horror/comedy genre. In our present day,
where remakes tend to be taken too seriously and lack any originality,
Gillespie has found a balance that pays homage to the original but
contextual innovations that make it highly successful in its
accessibility to
contemporary audiences. Fright
Night opens
with a nail-biting sequence featuring a large amount of blood, several
bodies and a mysterious menace chasing an unknown teen through a shadow
drenched house. Following the boy’s demise, we cut suddenly to isolated
Vegas suburbia where we’re introduced to Charlie Brewster (Anton
Yelchin), an
ex-nerd who has left his old friends to the wayside in favour of the
kids’ and a super hot girlfriend (Imogen Poots). After a bizarre
encounter with
his geeky former chum Ed (Christopher Mintz-Plasse), who attributes the
disappearances of several classmates to the arrival of Charlie’s new
Jerry (Colin Farrell), Charlie begins to suspect that Jerry is a
vampire. After
stalking his charismatic neighbour unsuccessfully and finally being
exposed to
his monstrous self, Charlie concedes that he is out of his depth and is
to seek assistance. He enlists the help of illusionist and vampire
Peter Vincent (David Tennant) in the hope that he might have the
information on
how to vanquish Jerry and thereby save both his mum (Toni Collette) and
girlfriend from the vampire’s insatiable appetite.

we live in an age where if you throw a
stone into a crowd you will unmistakably injure a teenage girl crying
out for
Edward Cullen to save her, Gillespie’s Fright
Night veers towards a more traditional representation of vampires.
Farrell’s Jerry is dangerous as he is seductive, with dark good-looks
contrast his retractable talons and a ‘game face’ not unlike Joss
vampires in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. We
are meant to fear vampires not fall in love with them, with Ed
addressing this
parallel belief by describing Jerry as not ‘brooding or lovesick, but
fucking shark from Jaws’. You can tell that Farrell enjoyed bringing
character to life and it is refreshing to see a new rendering of our
established views concerning the horror of the supernatural. Anton
Yelchin is
strong as the unlikely hero and Imogen Poots provides the expected eye
and heaving breasts. However, it is David Tennant that essentially
steals the
show. A mix between Russell Brand and Chris Angel, Tennant’s character
has a
bottle of Midori permanently on standby and seems to drunkenly fumble
his way
throughout the piece and still find time to help save the day. His
timing is impeccable, if a little over the top. He offers a reprieve
from the
fast-paced action that bombards us following Charlie’s discovering of
neighbours nightly activities.

To say
the film has flaws would be unfair. What
we expect is exactly what we get, with a cliché villain, gratuitous
blood flow
and terrible special effects. This is a
example of the B grade horror films of the 1980s, with a bit more
polish and a
cast who can actually act. Perhaps the only set back for Fright
Night is its presentation in 3D. It was unnecessary and no
new improvements were made complementing the shock value of the various
vampires bursting into flames. It seems that directors are increasingly
incorporating this technology in the hope of proposing new cinematic
experiences, but in this case it failed enormously. Despite
this unsuccessful attempt at 3D, Craig
Gillespie has certainly demonstrated his grasp on this genre. It will
interesting to see his take on Pride and
Prejudice and Zombies, which follows the same combination of
comedy and
horror that has made this film so enjoyable to watch. It should also be
that Fright Night has reaffirmed
one’s belief in stashing a stake in your bag and sleeping with a
crossbow under
your pillow. After all, you never know whose going to move in next-door.