Moto Insta-Share Projector Review
Summary: Moto Insta-Share Projector is an amazing piece of technology that really creates the ultimate portable project for your Moto Z and compatible phones!
Portability Projectability!
Impulse Gamer had the opportunity to review another Moto Mod called the Moto Insta-Share Projector which basically allows the user to project the contents of their Moto Z onto a flat surface as you would with any other projector. Best of all, it simply clips onto the back of the Moto Z and presto, you’re ready to start streaming the contents of your smartphone. So whether you’re wanting this for entertainment or business, the Moto Insta-Share Projector ticks all the right boxes!
Key Features
- Snapping easily on to your Moto Z device, the Moto Mod Insta-Share Projector is able to project up to 70″ on any flat surface so that you’ve alwqays got a big screen with you.
- Coming with an integrated kickstand, the Moto Mod Insta-Share Projector allows you to project your imagery at an angle that best suits you.
- To help you out on using your battery power, the Insta-Share Projector Mod comes with up to an hour of battery life so that you can project for longer.
However what makes the Moto Insta-Share Projector so compelling is the simplicity of the installation which simply attaches to the back of the Moto Z and thanks to the innate technology of this phone and just like a Transformer, it ‘transforms’ your Moto Z to become a projector which offers a 480p resolution (854 x 480) and a viewing space equivalent to a 70″ screen which is very impressive. Furthermore, it boasts a lumens rating of 50 and a 10,000 hour lamp.
This little Moto Mod is also quite small and measures at 153 x 74 x 11mm and weighs just 125g. Charging can be done through either the USB Type-C connector to the device or if it’s attached to your smartphone while charging that, it will also charge the Moto Insta-Share Projector. So while connected to your Moto Z, you should easily get around 3 hours of use which more than ample for presentations or watching a feature film.
Overall, the build quality feels quite sturdy and all in all, it’s a well designed product. Once attached to your Moto Z, it hardly gives any additional bulk which makes it the perfect portable projector. There is a power button on the device, including an articulating stand to help position your phone and a focus wheel. In terms of video, this little device is simply amazing and whether you’re projecting on the wall or the ceiling, it not only creates the illusion of a massive screen but it even creates a cinema like experience.
The resolution of 480p or 853×480 is also quite impressive, however due to the lumens rating, you do need a dark room to maximise the overall image quality. The only additional item you need for the Moto Insta-Share Projector are some external speakers because if you’re using this as a presentation tool with sound, the speakers of the Moto Z are just a little too small. So while we watched videos on YouTube and downloaded films, the way this little device projected the images was almost flawless.
Final Thoughts?
If you’re an owner of the Moto Z and need to project your phone, the Moto Insta-Share Projector is well designed product that does cater for those one-off uses well. Also, if you’re going away on holidays, this makes for a great way to stream your movies via your phone and if you need a quick and relatively affordable business solution, it even meets that need.