Six new heroes, 100 new cards and a new base set included in the largest expansion to date
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – April 11, 2014 – Ubisoft® has revealed the new expansion, Heart of Nightmares, for the online strategy card game Might & Magic® Duel of Champions. Heart of Nightmares is the largest and most important expansion to date, bringing in new heroes, a new base set, 100 new cards and new features including puzzles, which expand possibilities on the battleground.
Duel with six new heroes
One new hero for each of the six factions has been introduced, each with different powers that require new strategies on the battleground. “Our players are quick to adapt and learn the best way to defeat opponents with the cards in their deck, so we are continuing to give players new hero options to keep the game fresh. Each new hero requires players to learn their strengths and weaknesses, shifting their strategy in order to play or defeat them.” said Samuel Jobin, Producer of Might & Magic Duel of Champions.
A new base set, Base Set 2
The game has evolved and continued to grow over the past year and this new base set helps rebalance the meta-game in Might & Magic® Duel of Champions. “We wanted to make the game easier for new players, helping them move from the tutorial mode to duels with less hesitation” continued Samuel Jobin. Players can now choose from two game formats, the first is standard format, which is the official game format for competition, and features cards from Base Set 2 and all upcoming series. The second format is an open format that applies to all the cards released prior and in to this expansion.
The most important update since launch
As requested by players, solo campaigns have been extended to a total of 30 missions. Puzzles also add another solo experience where players have to use complex game mechanics in order to zero an enemy’s health in only one turn. A new ranking and matchmaking system with classes will replace the ELO system which has shown some inconsistencies in the past. The game economy has also been reviewed and new series will be more accessible as they can now be purchased with gold earned in-game a few weeks after they are launched. Additionally, all menus have been redesigned and new visual effects have been added to the battleground.
For more information and to play Might & Magic® Duel of Champions please visit: www.duelofchampions.com