MICF: My Cousin Vlad Kicks Off The Dis Dat Tour at Melbourne Comedy Festival
“I realised after years in real estate, my life was a joke, so I had to talk about it on stage” Vlad
“A true comedy renegade, storming onto the scene in the most immaculate way”
“Razor sharp wit & hilarious observations” Joe Avati, Comedian
“The funniest cousin I know” Joe Salanitri, Sooshi Mango
“The show brought the house down, validating My Cousin Vlad’s Instagram notoriety and his ‘Rising Star’ label.” Theatre Travels
“Absolutely loved the show […] this is old school comedy.” Dave Griffiths, SubCulture Radio
After taking Australia by storm with People Are Gonna Lose It, The People Have Lost It and CATASTROPHA!tours, Vlad is back with his follow-up tour. My Cousin Vlad will kick the tour off with his Melbourne International Comedy Festival debut at the Atheneum on April 20th. Vlad brings the best of past tours with loads of new material. It’s a bit of dis and a bit of dat touring Australia with Vlad’s unique take on life.
My Cousin Vlad delivers witty banter inviting audiences down the rabbit hole of culture, ethnic traditions (versus Aussie life), modern-day problems, and marriage! Vlad uses all the tools his audience loves with projectors, guitars, sketches, punchlines, and deep philosophies all wrapped up in a suit and a pair of sunnies! He has those kinds of fans. You know, the ones who see every show, make sure they get the best tickets and even make him a custom suit to show how much they love him!
After an unbelievable career in real estate, the pandemic was possibly the best thing to ever happen to Vlad. Storming onto the scene in 2021, Vlad garnered a strong social media following with diehard fans across the ethnic and Aussie communities. Vlad has continually sold out shows around Australia including five in Melbourne in 2021 and 2022 and all shows in 2023 in Melbourne and Sydney. He’s worked rooms in London and has performed alongside industry veterans including Dave Hughes, Luke Heggie, Aaron Chen and more. Vlad proved then and there that he belonged on the stage, bringing the laughs. Plus, Sushi Mango love him – need we say more?
Vlad kicks of at Melbourne International Comedy Festival and will then tour to Perth Comedy Festival followed by Brisbane Comedy Festival, Sydney Comedy Festival and finishing the tour at Newcastle Comedy Festival. Tickets on sale now.
For more information visit www.mycousinvlad.com