MICF 2023: A Rational Fear Has Too Many Guests Review @ARationalFear
Summary: Just seemed a bit restrained this year for some reason. Didn't have the election to fire everyone up meaning it wasn't as good.
Restrained this year
Disclaimer: before I start is that I am a Patreon supporter for this show and listen to their podcast regularly.
For some reason I thought this was at the Forum again this year until two days it was on. Alice Fraser was meant to be on this show but obviously the slot was booked before everyone knew their final times as Gabbi Bolt and Sami Shah had to leave early also. I had also been asked to review a show straight after at the Butterfly Club so was anxious about the running time the whole show.
I am used to the live podcast recordings being a bit ramshackle and being put together later so this went smoother at least. Cheers to Andy who waved to me before the show and was the only one to bring a slide for his other shows.
As with the show last year each of the guests gets up to do their bit with Lewis saved until the end. Due to her leaving early Gabbi Bolt got to do her song early which was still great, I am considering maybe going to see her again during the festival.
Sammi Shah did the serious news part as much as it was for this and I did agree with him that Donald Trump is going to get off. Knowing Sami was born in Pakistan and how politics is in that country with people rioting to prevent Imran Khan to be taken to court you would have to agree.
I had seen Nat’s What I Reckon the previous night and he was alright I suppose. It was nice enough to have him there and would have gotten some more people in through ticket sales.
Vidya Rajan made guest appearances as a LNP PR advisor trying new things to try and win back the youth, I think I liked watching Gabbi Bolt’s reaction to these even more than the sketches themselves.
Grace Tame was pumped for her bit like last year and got a great reaction. She even got in a dig at Dan and Sami for not standing up for their bits.
Lewis seemed a bit restrained after last year and maybe having a new baby recently has taken the edge off. Trump and Goop seem like a bit of low hanging fruit and too easy even if Dan says he enjoyed his bit.
The big guests were the two people who owned the house where former MP Tim Smith smashed into. They were auctioning part of the particle board that covered up the fence for charity. It was OK I guess, to be honest I have hardly even thought of Tim Smith since that incident so not sure it had the impact they thought it would.
I don’t know this year, it is like the end of Matilda where she loses her mind powers as she is finally happy and in a higher grade. It is a lot harder to make jokes about the government when they are on “your side” there are still things they could do like AUKUS and such but they decided not to do them for this show.
It was good enough I suppose but just didn’t have the edge that last year had with the election had just been called and there were heaps of extra jokes they were able to do about the LNP.
Show details:
Nat’s What I Reckon
Grace Tame
Vidya Rajan
Gabbi Bolt
Sami Shah
DJ Andrew McClelland
Owners of the fence that Tim Smith smashed into
Sun 2 Apr: 5.45pm
The Capitol, 113 Swanston St (opp Town Hall), Melbourne
60 Minutes