
Published on August 16th, 2017 | by Admin

Matterfall available now, exclusive to PlayStation 4

Sony Interactive Entertainment Australia is pleased to announce sci-fi shooter and platformer Matterfall is available today in stores across Australia and on PlayStation Store, exclusive to PS4.

The latest game from veteran developers Housemarque, Matterfall combines new and old ingredients of the arcade genre to create a distinctive and exciting experience: rooted in an original combination of twin stick shooting and platforming.

Enhanced for PS4™ Pro with dynamic 4K gaming, improved graphics, environments and High Dynamic Range visuals, Matterfall is a visual spectacle, immersing the players in a vibrant torrent of visual effects and explosions.

To get players prepared for their first full experience of the title, key members of Housemarque’s development team have nominated their favourite loadouts to survive waves of enemies in a recent post on the PlayStation Blog.

  • Tommi Hartikainen, Game Director: “My favourite augmentation is the Matter Bomb Probability. This increases the amount of Matter Bombs enemies spawn after they die. This can create these long chain reactions when you burst one with the Matter Jet.”
  • Tomi Kokki, Senior Animator: “As I love to see enemies exploding, my favourite loadout has to be the combination of Strike Detonation, Matter Bomb Probability and Shockwave Radius.”
  • Suvi Järvinen, Game artist: “One weapon and two augmentations. Shotgun, Strike Damage and Shockwave Radius.”

Matterfall is available exclusively for PlayStation 4 now, with a recommended retail price of $24.95 AUD.

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