Lost Girl: The Complete Series Blu-Ray Review
Summary: The world of fairy tales with a distinctive adult twist and a mystery to be solved at any cost.
Supernatural Sleuthing
Many years ago there was a show called Kindred: The Embraced… memory tells me I really enjoyed it (internet searching says it was not well enough to receive to last long). Lost Girl feels like a more modern attempt at similar themes, albeit with a wider range of supernatural creatures to draw from.
I’ll be blunt here… I’m not a fan of shows like Hercules or Xena… to me they feel quite cheap and pulpish (I understand for some that is the appeal). Lost Girl manages to pull off looking a bit more high quality (certainly for a TV show) and thanks to some quality acting and decent filming techniques it manages to seem somewhat serious.
The basic premise is that the main character, Bo, has for years lived with no understanding of why every lover she has been with has died in the throes of passion. Thanks to a chance encounter with Kenzi (a thief who is fortunate to cross paths with Bo and becomes her “professional” companion), Bo’s existence is exposed to the Fae… an ancient society of supernatural beings who either ally with the Light or the Dark. Bo learns she is a succubus and is given the choice of which to follow but instead chooses neither and sets out to find out who she really is.
As mentioned, the acting arguably goes a long way to stop this being a bit silly or goofy… the odd bit of humour is thrown in but for the most part everyone treats things seriously and maintains a sense that this world could exist. An initial concern that this was going to be the Hollywood concept of fairy tale characters (ie everyone is super attractive) was nullified early on via a disheveled flatulent Will-o’-the-wisp.
I was initially hesitant about the series but it didn’t take me long to get interested in what was going to happen next… Anna Silk and Ksenia Solo do a great job as the main duo and the supporting cast flesh out the world admirably. For the most part the special effects and fight choreography is pretty good with only a few moments that I slightly cringed.
If you are looking for a decent supernatural action adventure/mystery show then you could certainly do worse than Lost Girl. A fun bit of escapism with a more mature bent, worth a look.
Blu-ray Details
Actors Anna Silk |Kris Holden-Ried |Zoie Palmer |Rick Howland
Genre TV Sci-Fi
Label Madman Entertainment
Audio English (5.1 Surround)
Running Time 3428 minutes
Aspect ratio 16:9
Region Coding B
TV Standard HD
Rating MA15+
Consumer Advice Medium level violence, Adult themes
Year of Release 2010