Tell us a bit about yourself
and what it means to be a glamour/fitness model?
Hi Impulse Gamer! I’m Loren, a 19 year old model from Australia. I’m a total
goofball, cheerleading champion and a big nerd. I’m so excited to be completing
my Bachelor’s degree at university this year! Being a glamour and fitness model
means having fun on set, representing amazing brands and bringing my personality
and energy into pictures.
What made you get into modeling?
I joined a model networking website on a whim to see where it might take me,
responded to heaps of casting calls for fun then had my first photo shoot. It
was such a rush that I knew I wanted to do it again and the rest is history!
What do you enjoy about modeling?
The opportunity to embody different personalities, styles and looks. It’s
always fun and sometimes challenging to channel my creative energy into photo
shoots. I am constantly learning and growing my skill set every photo shoot.

What about nude modeling?
Nude modeling use to be such a controversial concept. I’d definitely model nude
for a high fashion photo shoot (think Cara Delevinge in Love magazine) or for
Playboy magazine. Now that would be an experience.
Worst part of modeling?
The worst part would be holding tricky poses for a very long time! But having
said that, the poses that push you the hardest are always the best in the end.
Do you have any tattoos? If so where and what of?
I’m completely clean skin but if I had a tattoo it would be roman numerals or a
beautiful Italian phrase strategically placed where it’s not fully visible.
What's your best asset?
It’s a tie, I really love my stomach and my long full head of hair.
I’m super content with my physical appearance. I have a few flaws like everyone
else but I’m at a point in my life where I love and accept them. There’s
perfection and character in flaws.
What are three technological things you cannot live without?
That’s easy, my PlayStation, smart phone and most importantly my PC. After
all my university assignments aren’t going to finish themselves.

How do you relax?
I love to model, dance and spend time with my close friends and family. The
beach, a good movie or a picnic always relax me.
Top three things that annoy you?
Selfishness, hot coffee that’s gone cold and team speak technological glitches.
Top three things that make you happy?
Loud music, McDonalds and comfy tracksuit pants.
We've heard you're a gamer! What is your favourite video game?
I love the Assassin’s Creed series and I have a soft spot in my heart for Zelda.
I also like to think I’m pretty good at Halo.
If you could pick a video game character for you to be in a photoshoot, who
would it be?
Lara Croft because she’s tough and a total babe. Plus I have long real
brunette hair to braid and a bust size to fill out the costume!
If you could go back in time and visit yourself at age 10, what would you
Nice mono brow kiddo!

On the other hand, if you
could go into the future and visit yourself 80, what would you ask?
Did you end up doing everything that you wanted to do?
Married, relationship or Single?
Married to my busy schedule! Study, work, modeling, cheerleading, cheer
coaching, dancing.
What do you look for in a guy?
I am attracted to kind, gentle guys with a good sense of humour. Make me
laugh, cook me a good dinner, don’t make me wash the dishes afterwards and I’m
all yours!
What is your favorite movie?
Favourite Music?
Top 40 or anything I can dance to
Favourite Food?
Chicken schnitzel and lasagne!
Favourite Colour?
Favourite TV Show?
Big Bang Theory
Favourite Animal?
Wild cats

Your motto for life?
I really like the typical phrase “Be yourself because everyone else is taken”,
if you think about it the meaning is really lovely and direct.
Do you have a fan site like twitter, twitter or facebook?
You can find me on
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/loren.recchi.7
Instagram: @lorenrecchi
What does the future hold for you?
My goal is to finish my Bachelor of Social Science then complete my Masters in
Conflict Resolution study by the time I’m 21. I also love modeling and
cheerleading so I’ll definitely keep on going with both.
Ten words or less for your fans?
Thank you so much! I do this all for you!
Lastly, any scoops for our readers and your fans?
Keep your eyes peeled, I’ll be appearing in some pretty cool magazines this
Check out Loren Recchi on
Facebook and
