Les Misérables Review (Melbourne Australia 2014)
Summary: Les Misérables is the must see musical event of 2014 in Melbourne Australia!
Les Misérables
Production: Musical
Dates: 03 July to 26 October 2014
URL: http://www.lesmis.com.au/
Length: 2 Hours and 50 Minutes
Reviewer: Andrew Bistak
The must see musical Les Misérables returns to Melbourne Australia at Her Majesty’s Theatre for a limited season that is based on the renowned novel by Victor Hugo that successfully recreates this turbulent time in France and the Paris Uprising of 1832. English Producer Cameron Mackintosh should once again be saluted and thanked for adapting this compelling story to English and creating this emotional and powerful musical that will leave you with a life long memory and days, weeks and even years later, the musical numbers of Les Misérables will remain with you forever.
It is also one of the longest running musicals in the world and for the people of Melbourne and Australia, they can once again experience the heroic life of Jean Valjean (Simon Gleeson) who was unjustly imprisoned for stealing a loaf of bread and during a moment of weakness on his parole, his impulsive theft from The Bishop of Digne (Rodney Dobson) is rewarded with his chance of redemption that leads him to save the life of his adopted daughter Cosette (Emily Langridge). Unfortunately for Jean, he is hunted throughout his life by police inspector Javert (Hayden Tee) that leads to an explosive conclusion in this amazing production that will leave you craving for more.
Apart from the extraordinary performances by the cast of Les Misérables which I will touch upon later, the crew behind the scenes should be commended in taking the entire audience through the moving story of Jean Valjean that almost makes it feel like you are part of France in the 19th century. The sets and special effects are flawless which somehow appear out of nowhere and then morph into other buildings and different sets like magic.
Of course this would not be possible without the fantastic performances of the entire cast, especially Simon Gleeson (Jean Valjean), Hayden Tee (Javert), Patrice Tipoki (Fantine), Lara Mulcahy (Madame Thenardier), Trevor Ashley (Thenarider), Kerrie Anne Greenland (Eponine), Emily Langridge (Cosette), Chris Durling (Enjolras) and Euan Doidge (Marius). There majestic voices and acting talents really draw you into the story of each and every character in Les Misérables that will have you crying, laughing and mesmerised to see what happens next, no matter how many time you may have seen the story.
Whether it’s Valjean (Simon Gleeson) singing “Solioquy” about his unjust punishment to Fantine’s (Patrice Tipoi) emotional “I Dreamed a Dream” or Thenardier and his wife (Trevor Ashley & Lara Mulcahy) belting out “Master of the House”, these actors successfully make an emotional link to the audience that will make you feel like you are part of something bigger. To compliment these amazing voices, Les Misérables also features a 16 piece orchestra lead by music director Geoffrey Castles that when combined with the voices of these talented actors, this is the Pièce de résistance of this fantastic musical.
Final Thoughts?
To quote an overused cliché, Les Misérables is the must see musical event of 2014 that will tug at your emotional heartstrings and draw you into an amazing story of those people touched by Jean Valjean through realistic sets, beautiful songs and characters that will forever be entwined into your psyche. Les Misérables is more than just a musical, it’s a living breathing work of art.
Tickets are available through Ticketek
Simon Gleeson Jean Valjean
Hayden Tee Javert
Fantine Patrice Tipoki
Madame Thénardier Lara Mulcahy
Thénardier Trevor Ashley
Éponine Kerrie Anne Greenland
Cosette Emily Langridge
Enjolras Chris Durling
Marius Euan Doidge
Laurence Connor Director
Geoffrey Castles Conductor/Music Director
Matt Kinley Set and Image designer
Adrianne Neofitou Costume designer
Paule Constable Lighting Designer
Mick Potter Sound Design
Michael Ashcroft & Geoffrey Garrett Musical Staging