Leonardo (2021) TV Series – DVD Review
Summary: Leonardo is not a spectacular TV series, the fictional dramatic story wont feel at all memorable, but the experience of living da Vinci's artistic process is refreshingly captivating.
Leonardo is a historical drama created by Frank Spotnitz and Steve Thompson. The series was produced by Italian Lux Vide in collaboration with Rai Fiction, Sony Pictures Entertainment, with Frank Spotnitz’s Big Light Productions and Freddie Highmore‘s Alfresco Pictures in association with France Télévisions and RTVE.
The series recounts Leonardo da Vinci‘s extraordinary life through the works that made him famous and through the stories hidden within those works, revealing little by little the inner torments of a man obsessed with attaining perfection. (Source: Wikipedia)
Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most fascinating characters of our time, and yet we know so little of the man, but so much of the legendary artist.
This TV series explores the artists’ life from the point of view of his major artistic and engineering accomplishments and the struggles he faced in the pursuit of creating his passions. Rather than portraying da Vinci as an immediate unparalleled mistro, artistic genius, or some unnatural superhuman, we see the man and his real life journey of study, hard work, dedication and most importantly, failure.
Starting out from a young and eager Leonardo, we find him studying under his master and enduring all of the toiling and tribulations, and the near cut-throat competitive machinations of his fellow students. It is here we learn of the strained relationship with his father and how he struggles with abandonment, having been alone all his life.
This story unfolds with the fictional dramatic telling of Leonardo being accused of murder and the polizia investigating and interviewing Leonardo for the crime. The events of his life and the circumstances leading up to the death of Caterina da Cremona is told through Leonardo’s eyes.
The entire series encircles these two themes, the fictional telling of the investigation of Leonardo, and the humanising struggle of his artistic pursuits, which demonstrate that despite his enormous and often unappreciated talent, he was just a troubled man with self doubts and faults like any other.
This series also explores the various stages of and true to method styles of the creation of da Vinci’s art, and it is incredible to see the creation of the Mona Lisa, the bronzeworks, the sketches and methods of creation.
Included in this DVD release is the behind the scenes special which show the level of detail and respect the director and team went to, in order to create such a rich scene and story.
There are other TV series on Leonardo, including Da Vinci’s demons, which is more fanciful and raunchy than its counterpart. You wont find much full frontal nudity in Leonardo, as you do in Da Vinci’s Demons, but the story in that series is perhaps far more enjoyable.
Overall this is a pleasure to watch and well worth a look for a rainy Sunday viewing.
DVD Details
Actors Aiden Turner, Matilda De Angelis, Freddie Highmore, James D’Arcy, Carlos Cuevas
Film Genre Historical Drama
Label Viavision
Audio English (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Running Time 7 hours 7 minutes
Aspect ratio 16:9
Region Coding 4
TV Standard NTSC
Rating M
Consumer Advice For Mature Audiences
Year of Release 2021
Primary Format – Movies/TV DVD