

Published on March 18th, 2017 | by Admin

Lei Radna Cosplay Interview

We catch-up with amazing Russian cosplayer Lei Radna to talk about… well, cosplay!

So tell us how did you get involved in cosplay?

Many cosplayers have in them a simple childhood dream to turn into their favourite characters and when we’re adults, we can try this! Also, I was interested in cosplay a long time ago, but I only became engaged in it in 2014. Compared to my friends who have been doing cosplay for nearly ten years, I still feel like a beginner. However I have some things that I am proud of like my cosplay work for Wargaming.Net, Tekken 7 and my publication of my Triss Merrigold cosplay.

Who were the first characters that you cosplayed?

My very first characters were Archangel Avacina and the necromancer Liliana Vess from MtG for an event in Moscow. The quality of these costumes were… not so great. However I still won the contest and got two huge display boxes with MtG cards, yeah!

What do you LOVE about cosplay?

The excitement when you prepare a new costume and the mystery of the transformation. This magic also occurs when you meet new and interesting people and friends at cosplay festivals. You get a little tremor when you share photos and videos on the internet and then waiting for people’s opinion. However all aspects and stages of cosplay give very strong emotions and it’s wonderful.

Tell us two things that annoy you about cosplay?

When somebody says that i look like a man :( … Yes, I have not too thin facial features and shoulders, but it’s a little rude. And I don’t approve when cosplayer has a strong jealously of a character. I think if some people have similar favorite characters, it’s a good start for friendship.

If you could pick your top three cosplayers, who would they be and why?

Ben Bergmann, Kamui and Anna Moleva. Ben because, of course, he is a big Witcher fan and he understands this passion and he did a really high class of transformations with lots of attention to details. Kamui because she is a very good crafter and she also shares her experience with others. Lastly, there is Anna because she a very talented cosplayer, interesting person and a great example of Russian beauty :)

What’s been your hardest cosplay so far?

Triss Merigold because this costume has many details, natural leather and a little expensive to make. Another hard costume is a Panzer from WoT, but it’s a commercial costume… But the really hardest costume is waiting in future for me :)

Who do you hope to cosplay in 2017 and beyond?

I’m almost finished Cynthia from Witcher 2 and I want to my another Nilfgraad Sorceress called Assire var Anahid. Yes, the Witcher’s theme is like an addiction! I have already started a costume of Eloy from Horizon: Zero Dawn (redhead is the best!) and maybe again I’ll do a Liliana Vess from MtG. She is a very interesting character and I absolutely want to do the best I can with her.

If you had unlimited money and time, which character would you create and why?

Alexstrasza the Life-Binder from World of Warcraft. She is powerful, beautiful, has a dramatic history, a redhead elf and she’s the f**cking Dragon Queen! I think she is the coolest female WoW character ever!

Also i want to do another Blizzard’s character but from Diablo II – Andariel, Maiden of Anguish. Actually, i got my nickname from her but to cosplay her, it is complicated and expensive.

What’s the coolest thing you own?

A uniform dress from Star Trek with signatures of the main actors and J.J. Abrams. They visited Moscow for the premiere of Star Trek Into Darkness and I welcomed them on the Red Carpet with presents. It was the greatest film premiere for me!

So besides cosplay, what else do you do?

I’m a gamer, streamer, LARP player and comics fan. Also I’ve worked in the game development industry as a QA engineer and community manager. Last year I worked on the biggest Russian gaming magazine called Igromania as a streamer and actor.

Who are some other cosplayers that you look up to?

Tina Rybakova, Maria Hanna, Xenia Shelkovskaya, Maria Karpenko, Jannet Vinogradova and Elena Samko. I know this girls, they are not only good cosplayers, but a good persons too and I have something to learn from them.

Tell us about your amazing Mortal Kombat cosplay?

I like Mortal Kombat games when I was a child, and Jade always was my favorite characters. Why? It’s simple to explain. I don’t like evil characters that much so I don’t like Mileena. Kitana is one of the main characters and she is a princess and must be right… But it’s so boring. Sonya Blade’s costume isn’t that interesting but Jade… she if powerful and her costume is cool, sexy and green. Ok, it’s just one of my favorite colours. Yep, it’s simple :)

Tell us what drew you to Triss Merrigold?

Even before the release of the computer game, I read the books about the Witcher more than once. Triss became my favourite character of the saga. To me, she seems more living and a natural character, than the cold and pathetic Yennefer. And when the first part of The Witcher got released, the developers had an emphasis on Triss and I wanted to cosplay her. However, at first, I cosplayed her from the second part of the game, then onto the third, the last game. Only now have I recently finished the basic Triss costume from the first part of the game.

Also I played Triss in live action roleplay games before and I will definitely come back to her again. I really love love this redhead sorceress and she is like my good friend and I also like when other cosplayers cosplay her. Team Triss – go forward!

Lastly, if you could have one super power what would it be and why?

I want the power of flying, including in space. It’s like the song of Russel Watson “Where my heart will take me” so I could fly and travel all over the world.

Check out Lei Radna on the following Social Media sites


Lei Radna Cosplay Gallery


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