LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes Character Encyclopedia Review
Summary: The LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes Character Encyclopedia is a must have book to all collectors and fans of LEGO!
The latest in the highly successful series of LEGO books by DK, DC Comics Super Heroes Character Encyclopedia is a comprehensive look at all the characters that have been represented in LEGO form. The DC Universe is packed full of amazing heroes and villains that as a result, the LEGO group has done a brilliant job in making sure they are well represented.
This book is beautifully presented and comes with an exclusive Pirate Batman figure that I am sure will have collectors frothing at the mouth. It’s a great looking figure that comes with a cape and old school mace. I really like it and it’s a great addition to the collection.
For those who are really into their figs, this book is a treasure trove of information. I’m always surprised at how up to date these books are. This encyclopaedia is so up to current releases that it even features the new Micro Racers that have just come out in the last few weeks. I’m sure that releases are planned to coincide with the books, but it never fails to impress me just how on point they are.
Every page is packed full of information that will appeal to both younger readers and adult collectors. There is detailed information about each figure including fun facts for the little readers and more practical ones for collectors. These are along the lines of what sets the figure appears in, the numbers and the date of release. I found many that I didn’t realise that were not in my collection and this book will certainly help me track down some of the harder to get characters.
The book as with many in the series is beautifully laid out with bright, hi resolution images that are utter eye candy showing off all the details of the figure by itself, and then in a shot with other background details. Information is easily read and well-spaced on the page. It is both informative and entertaining.
At the end of the book is a really sweet addition to all the information: There are box shots of all the DC Comics sets that have come out to date. It really made me want to hunt down some of the sets and have a good old build. It is a lot of fun and really worth adding to any LEGO book collection.
Final Thoughts?
The LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes Character Encyclopedia is an amazing book and the figure alone is worth the purchase. The bonus is you get a top notch book for the price as well!
Go get it.
Book Details
Title: LEGO DC Comics Super Heroes Character Encyclopedia
Publisher: DK Books
ISBN: 9781465444547
Publication Date: Apr 2016
Size: 184.15 x 234.95mm
Pages: 208