
Published on February 19th, 2022 | by Adrian Gunning


Dark Horse Books presents Tarzan of the Apes Volume 1, comic strips previously available only to subscribers of the Edgar Rice Burroughs website and never before in print until now in this handsome hardcover edition.

Published in Sunday newspaper strip landscape format, these adaptations of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ classic tales are scripted by comics legend Roy Thomas (Conan the Barbarian, Avengers, Tarzan: The New Adventures) and illustrated by Pablo Marcos (Savage Sword of Conan, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Creepy). Revealing the origin of the Jungle Lord and his earliest adventures, Tarzan of the Apes is a must for every Tarzan collection!

Tarzan of the Apes Volume 1 will be in comic shops August 24 followed by bookstores on September 6 and is available for pre-order now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and at your local comic shop and bookstore. Tarzan of the Apes Volume 1 HC retails for $29.99.

About the Author'

Adrian lives in Melbourne Australia and has a huge passion for gaming, technology and pop culture. He recently finished his a Bachelor of Journalism and is currently focusing on games journalism. When not writing and playing video games, Adrian can be found in Comics 'R' Us debating the pros of the DC Universe and cons of the Marvel Universe.

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