The Last Days of Jeanne d’Arc Review
Summary: The Last Days of Jeanne d’Arc is a powerful dramatisation of this historical figure.
Powerful dramatisation
Written by Ali Alizadeh, The Last Days of Jeanne d’Arc is fascinating look at this mysterious young woman from rural France who was inspired to become a knight and help liberate her country after the voices she heard. However unlike other books written about this historical figure, author Ali Alizadeh provides a dramatisation about her sexuality in a time when women were considered second class citizens and it gives her a story a unique lens that has never been seen before thanks to this interesting reconstruction of Jeanne d’Arc.
Additionally, the Last Days of Jeanne d’Arc also gives the reader a great a broad brush of her history that follows her early life in Lorraine to her demise at the hand’s of the English. Jeanne also serves as a modern protagonist in this book as she does not fit the stereoyptical image of how a woman should act and behave in this time. Sure, she helped the French with their Hundred Year War but the author also addresses her desire to love, including one who was not a man.
Furthermore, Alizadeh uses this interesting third person narration at times which although is a little strange and disjointed at first, it actually fits the story of Jeanne d’Arc with all the voices she hears, particularly how the words ‘dart’ across the pages. This helps you experience the world of Jeanne d’Arc from her perspective which makes it quite a powerful narrative and even questions her own mental health.
Final Thoughts?
The Last Days of Jeanne d’Arc serves as a great historical snapshot of this era and more importantly, the rise and fall of the heroic knight and the shunned ‘witch’ with a very personal perspective. Lastly, the Last Days of Jeanne d’Arc is a well written dramatisation with some clever twists thrown in the mix that makes this quite a compelling read.
Paperback | Sep 2017 | Giramondo Publishing | 9781925336405 | 320pp | 210x148mm | Stocked item (plenty) | GEN | AUD$26.95, NZD$32.99
Digital (EPUB) | Sep 2017 | Giramondo Publishing | Forthcoming | GEN