Kingdom Come Deliverance II – PlayStation 5 – first impressions
** No Spoilers **
Kingdom Come Deliverance II is the sequel to the first, award winning, Kingdom Come Deliverance game released in 2018. It follows on from the events of the first game with Henry of Skalitz, but players do not need to have played the first game to enjoy. For a quick overview, the Kingdom Come Deliverance II wiki page summarises it well.
Right from the beginning, the immense story line unfolds with a delightful opening scene and cheerful interactions between Henry (Player character) and Sir Hans Capon, Henry’s master. The character profile is established during cleverly placed dialogue and the drama unfolds into the long story arc and a burden of purpose for Henry.
Already it is self evident by the time Henry faces mortal danger, that the story that unfolds is a very mature, well thought out and highly immersive story. The dialogue and voice acting is impressive and overall it is incredibly nuanced.
Another noticeable aspect of this game is the large footprint for the PlayStation, it is a behemoth and it will require upwards of the 60+GB of free space. Go ahead and delete Spiderman 2, or whatever game your PlayStation 5 came with, because Kingdom Come Deliverance II is worth it!
Starting with the graphics and ray tracing, the beautiful aspects and lighting and outstanding cut scenes, this game is worth every single gigabyte.
Although we have seen a pre-release, there are very few bugs or areas of concern. The controls for PS5 do feel a bit cumbersome when it comes to lockpicking minigames, and archery and perhaps the difficulty may be a bit too high in this regard, as are a few quests.
Given that, Kingdom Come Deliverance II does not spoon feed all quests and will challenge players in deductive reasoning, riddles, and aspects of fighting which will take practice.
Get your pre-orders in, because this game is going to take pride of place next to Skyrim and Dragon Age on the shelf.