
Published on January 31st, 2018 | by Admin


Sydney, Australia – January 31, 2018 – Today, the next chapter in the Omega high-level raid series, Omega: Sigmascape, headlines the release of FINAL FANTASY® XIV Online Patch 4.2—Rise of a New Sun. In this new update, Omega creates a new group of legendary foes to test the skills of players in battle. The second major patch for Stormblood™ brings a wealth of new story content and updates alongside these unique boss encounters of reimagined characters from classic FINAL FANTASY titles.

The Phantom Train – One Boss in Omega: Sigmascape

Details on the numerous updates added in Patch 4.2 are provided below:

  • New Main Scenario Quests – Players will journey back to Doma in the Far East, greeted not only by familiar faces, but also new individuals and a looming friction in the region.
  • New Raid Dungeon: Omega: Sigmascape – Notable bosses reminiscent of enemies from the world of FINAL FANTASY VI appear as the latest experiments created by Omega, and provide a new challenge to high-level players in both normal and savage difficulties.
  • New High-level Trial: The Jade Stoa – A battle with Byakko, the first of The Four Lords,  begins this new side story questline. Adventurers seeking an additional challenge and the chance to obtain new weapons may undertake the Extreme version of this encounter.
  • Glamour Dressers – An overhaul to the glamour system provides an even simpler way to customize character appearance. Players may convert and store up to 200 pieces of equipment in a new, specialized inventory, and create, dye, and save outfits which can be applied to a character with ease.
  • Housing Updates – Beginning February 6, six new wards will be added to each of the four residential districts, all of which include a subdivision and apartment buildings.
  • New Beast Tribe Quests – Assist members of one of the tribes of the Ananta—the Vira—in a new questline that offers rewards to players who forge strong bonds with these snake-like allies.
  • The Feast PvP Updates – In addition to an updated PvP ruleset, enhanced visual cues during matches, and a new map inspired by the legendary Crystal Tower, players may now form PvP teams of up to six players to compete in ranked matches. Additionally, a new PvP Team chat channel allows for quick communication with other team members..
  • Subaquatic Voyages – Free company members may work together to craft a submersible—an underwater exploration vessel—which can be sent to explore uncharted waters and collect various treasures.
  • Performance Actions Updates – An updated UI and additional instrument options further expand the musical possibilities for aspiring bards.
  • Gameplay and System Updates – Additional inventory space through the Chocobo™ Saddlebag feature, increased limits to stackable items per inventory slot, balance adjustments to jobs, and a number of other quality of life improvements are introduced in the update.
  • New Equipment, Mounts, Emotes, and more

Complete Patch 4.2 notes are available here:

The official trailer for Patch 4.2, Rise of a New Sun, is available here:

The FINAL FANTASY XIV Online Free Trial allows new players to join the millions of adventurers in the realm of Eorzea™. The free trial allows anyone to access all available content up to level 35 (including PvP content), create up to eight playable characters, and experience the different playable races, classes, and jobs with no restrictions on playtime. New players who wish to experience the free trial may register here:

All editions of FINAL FANTASY XIV Online, including the FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood expansion, may be purchased through the Square Enix Online Store here:

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