Justice League of America #14 Review (Death on a Sentient Planet)
Summary: Ryan finally finds Ray Palmer but at what cost?
Palmer found!
The master of twists Steve Orlando continues his story on the ‘missing’ Ray Palmer (aka the Atom), however the issues commences with Vixen delivering a notebook full of trance writing and stories of the Lords of Order to the ‘mysterious’ Gregorio that continues the story from The Might Beyond the Mirror. Does that mean we’ll be seeing Dr Fate soon?
However back in the Microverse, a slightly destroyed Lobo is putting his body back together and smashing the enemy with his detached arm while Ryan Choi the latest holder of the Atom mantle goes deeper into the Microverse. It is here where he comes face to face with Moz-Ga in order to help heal this world. Meanwhile in an upper level of the Microverse, the league are taking on the Null Army and protecting Dr Aut who may hold the solution to this disaster.
Like previous issues, there’s some great characterisation and I love the banter between all the characters, including the great world building and amazing art of Ivan Reis. Furthermore, Orlando unleashes an interesting twist into the story and those supporting cast are not what they seen as they league attempt to hold back an army while Ryan finally comes face to face with his mentor and why he has been in hiding for so long.
Final Thoughts?
Justice League of America #14 is a fun read and I love the unexpected moments that Steve Orlando adds to the title, especially the great dialogue which flows really well and doesn’t feel forced or contrived. Furthermore, each of arcs showcases a particular character and this time it’s around Ryan Choi who not only questions himself as a hero but also manages to push through the barriers.
Complimenting the story is the brilliant art of Ivan Reis who successfully pays homage to these characters and gives them his own touches to help bring them to life. Then you have the one armed Lobo fighting machine which is beyond cool and a fun highlight.