

Published on March 18th, 2016 | by Admin

JSG Cosplay Interview

Welcome to Impulse JSG! So tell us, how you became involved in cosplay?

A few friends of mine were cosplayers and had been telling me I should try it and I finally had about 3 years ago and went to Animate Miami, my first con.


What do you love about cosplay?

I love being able to be my favorite fictional characters and pretending to be like them for a day lol and there’s really nothing I’ve come to dislike about the cosplay community.


In your secret identity what do you get up to?

I get up to putting on a spidey suit duh! :)


Who is your favourite cosplayer and why? 

My favorite cosplayers, because I can’t just pick one, are my friends and people I’ve met through cosplay. They are all extremely talented in their own way and put a lot of work and effort into their cosplays and have also helped me in many ways with my own cosplays.


What’s been your favourite costume?

My favorite costume hands down is my Spider-Girl suit.


DC or Marvel, which is better and why?

Marvel in my opinion, I enjoy it’s characters more.

If you could have one super power, what would it be?

If I could have a power I would want agility and super strength.

Which is your favourite con?

My favorite con thus far is Dragon con, so much good times.


What are you working on at the moment?

I am currently working on getting the black Spider-Girl suit.


What’s been your most difficult costume to make so far?

So far the most difficult are the Spider-Girl suits because they are expensive to get made lol.


Can you let us know what characters you may be cosplaying this year?

Spider-Girl (her original and black suit), alpha chun li, black cat and raven for sure.


Lastly, where can people find out more about JSG Cosplay?

People can find out more about me and my cosplays at my Facebook page (Facebook.com/justcauseimspidergirl) and my Instagram (justcuzimspidergirl).


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