The creator of THANOS, Jim Starlin is releasing a three volume omnibus of his classic series DREADSTAR with the equally legendary Ron Marz as the editor of this completely remastered hardcover collection. To support this project, head over to https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/312724224/thanos-creator-jim-starlins-dreadstar-omnibus?ref=abeopz and make a pledge now!
About Dreadstar
Ominous Press is proud to announce the Jim Starlin’s Dreadstar Omnibus Collection. Featuring more than 1,500 pages of classic Dreadstar action over three volumes, each page has been meticulously remastered by Jim Starlin himself, making this the definitive Dreadstar collection. The three-volume hardcover Omnibus Collection will gather the complete Dreadstar stories by cosmic master Jim Starlin. Volume 1 is a 512-page collection of Dreadstar’s journey, from the original Metamorphosis Odyssey presented in Epic Illustrated magazine, to the Dreadstar Graphic Novel, The Price graphic novel, the Epic Illustrated short story, and the first eight issues of the original standalone Dreadstar comic series. As an exclusive bonus, Jim Starlin’s Dreadstar Omnibus Volume 1 also features the original painted Metamorphosis Odyssey Portfolio, as well as a four-page bonus story, The Prayer. Whether you’re a longtime Dreadstar fan, or this is your first introduction to the acclaimed series, this volume is a massive, must-own masterpiece.