Jaycen Wise on The Road to Infinity Review
Review By Kerry Craigwell
Jaycen Wise on The Road to Infinity
Written by Uraeus and Drawn by Charlie Fab with colors by Mshindo
The week of January 31, 2014 has been a long one. For a comic book fan who is easily bombarded by several messages about the medium and has read many comics over the last 18 years, it was an honor and treat to come across Jaycen Wise. Created by Uraeus with over a decade of research and meticulous crafting a strong male character has arisen and his name is Jaycen Wise. An immortal, with an extensive background in the physical and spiritual arts, I was curious to see what his comic book tales would be about. It was nothing of what I expected and that was a breath of fresh air.
The Road to Infinity is a short story where our protagonist ventures into the midwest. An amazing showcase of story telling begins where we are drawn in through a retelling from a side character by the name of J.P. Webster about a wanderer who has just left a few bodies in his wake. I haven’t seen a story with such an articulate way of drawing me that I couldn’t help but think of the legends who crafted tales for Batman The Animated Series and Jonah Hex. The use of dialogue was solid. With such iconic lines as, “ A Gunfighter, Walkin’ with a purpose and headed straight for infinity..” the mood was set for some good ol’ mid western gunslinging. With Charles on pencils, this reader was treated with amazing images, with two of my favorite panels being the splash page with Jaycen appearing out of the arid desert and the shaded silhouette of Jaycen getting ready to get busy. One of the best choices were of color with the panels colored in yellow and grey, furthering strengthening the notion of time, place and relevance.
Without loading up the panels with needless dialogue and solid gritty images for the characters I am curious as to how far this creator will venture into the world of comics. I couldn’t get enough and was almost saddened that it was only 8 pages deep. With the buxom Foxx and deranged imp of a man Coon, Uraeus and team have assembled a fun cast where I am curious what will happen next.