Jacqueline Goehner Interview (From Princess Zelda to Witchblade)
We catch-up with Los Angeles Cosplayer Jacqueline Goehner who not only makes her own costumes but is also an actress, singer, model, filmmaker, fashion/costume designer, makeup artist and <phew> writer! Jacqueline has cosplayed quite a few characters during over the years which has included characters like Princess Zelda, Cammy from Street Fighter and Sara Pezzini who is the secret identity of Witchblade!
Welcome to Impulse Gamer Jacqueline! So what’s been the highlight of 2016 so far?
So far, the biggest highlight this year is definitely my Dejah Thoris cosplay at Silicon Valley Comic Con!
You’re a model, gamer, cosplayer, writer, filmmaker, costume designer and actress… if you could combine all these into one project, what would it turn out like?
I would think it would turn out into a film of my original designs. Lol
What was the first cosplay costume you and created?
Technically the first costume I made was Tinkerbell, but my first real cosplay costume was Princess Zelda from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
You create all your own cosplays, what’s been the most difficult but most rewarding?
The most difficult is one I’ve been working on for a couple years. But of my completed cosplays, I would say Princess Zelda due to the variety of skills required to complete it.
Was your Witchblade costume difficult to create and how did you successfully make sure everything stayed where it should?
Actually, my Witchblade was quite easy to complete. Just tedious sculpting was required. Every piece is glued to my body to keep it on, which stays for a few hours. It never ever falls off!
Tell us your favourite character you ever cosplayed?
I would say it’s a tie between TP Zelda and Witchblade, but I love cosplaying other characters as well!
What about funniest cosplay story?
So I get a lot of love from parents, mostly mothers, when I cosplay Witchblade. I remember at WonderCon, one mom wanted a picture of me with her adorable baby. So she handed him to me and while he was in my arms, he thought it was lunch time and went after my breasts! It was hilarious and the closest anyone had ever got to them in Witchblade!
If you had unlimited funds and time, what character would you create and why?
I would complete my Angelus cosplay! I’ve been trying and trying to build them, but so far funds are a huge factor. I’m making them animatronic, so it’s going to require a lot of money to complete them.
Tell us the coolest thing you own?
For tools, I have a Babylock Destiny that I love and cherish! In general, I have my Zelda costume signed by Shigeru Miyamoto, Eiji Aonuma, and Koji Kondo
What’s something that your fans may not know about you?
I have a twin sister!
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
Either immortality or the ability to fly!
You’re also a model, what’s been your favourite photoshoot?
I did a shoot with my friend Geri Kramer, and she’s an amazing photographer! Working with her is so much fun and I can’t wait to shoot with her again!
Lastly, what does the rest of 2016 hold for you?
Well there’s not much left in 2016! But I am hoping to have Ocarina of Time Princess Zelda finished by the end of the month, but we shall see!
Check out Jacqueline on the following Social Media sites;