Puffle Launch is the latest edition to the Club Penguin franchise on
the iOs (iPhone/iPad) which features a variety of colourful Club
Penguin environments and themes as you control a Puffle via the tap
screen in order to collect the coins as your Puffle gets launched
through a variety of moving canons.

the game does sound a little familiar that because it has been taken
from the Club Penguin universe and has successfully been <wait for
it> re-launched on the iOS with its innovative touch screen
terms of gameplay, it's quite simplistic on the iPhone which is
basic a timing game as you attempt to launch the Puffle in unison
with other canons to continue launching it to other areas of the
screen and more importantly, collect the coins. It doesn't help that
some canons move. If you fail, you basically need to start the level
again which can sometimes be frustrating, especially on the harder
levels which require perfect timing.

you go through the levels, you will also encounter other obstacles
that must be taken into consideration such as fans and even boss
battles. Boss battles are a little tricky but most people should
have no problem in mastering this title as it has been designed for
kids. Speaking of kids, they can use all the coins collected in
Puffle Launch to be transferred to Club Penguin online.
Graphically, Puffle Launch is a good looking game with its cartoon
inspired environment and simplistic yet stylised backgrounds. I
really enjoyed the Puffle movie at the start and as you progress
through the game, the backgrounds do eventually change. It's fun!

Musically, the game is a little repetitive with its action
orientated soundtrack that after 5 minutes of play, I needed to turn
it off. The sound effects are nothing special and feature stock
standard arcade noises.
Final Level
the end, Puffle Launch may not be the most original iOS game
available and sticks to a tried and tested formula. It's definitely
one for the kids or if its on sale, go grab it as it's addictive and