Hidden Variable is a creative team of developers that formerly
worked for other companies such as Insomniac Games, EA, THQ and
Liquid Entertainment. Now these creative minds are bringing some
oomph back into gaming, and they are very responsive to the players
so you can even drop them a line of feedback or input or questions.

here we are looking over the cool game they sent us code for. We
have to say, wow, Glad they did. Bag It! Is a delightfully cute idea
that reminds us in some ways of Tetris, only in this game the player
has much more control and the game makes use of the tilting
functions on iPod Touch.
characters are silly enough with such names as Lucky (A box of
cereal) Sir Eggward (You can guess that one) and then Sunshine (a
carton of juice), or Crusteau (the French Bread). It is the player’s
job to bag the groceries as they come down the check outline.

a cool puzzle style game, using the drag and drop controls of the
iPod, players move the groceries around on screen into the bag and
do your best to fill the bag without crushing anything. That is the
big thing here because any good bagger knows that you don’t want to
drop a watermelon onto a carton of eggs. Moving things around in the
bag to rearrange them is allowed, , you just cannot remove them from
the bag, and bear in mind that the weight does accumulate so as you
stack more in, things are getting heavier, so anything at the bottom
of your bag will want to be resilient indeed.
challenges come with getting everything to fit, and also beating the
timer in some of those zany stages. After bagging things up, tilt
the iPod back and forth to shake things a bit and make them settle,
this will tell the tale…if the player did things very well in their
bagging abilities, nothing will tilt and or shift enough to crush
anything. Being creative is the key here, if you fill a bag and
there are more items waiting to be placed in the bag, you have to do
it over again till you can get them all in the bag.

different game modes and lots of levels and plenty of unlocks and
modes the game will keep things interesting as you pass the time
gaming your heart out. A truly surprising gem in the rush of game
apps for portable devices, Bag It! Is well worth the visit to your
virtual grocer and have at it… Bag It!
is a catchy little app that even occupied our photographer Donna
Millheim, so you really have something when delighting such a
discerning gamer. Do yourselves a favor Impulse Gamer’s, do not miss
this one.
fun play games