Another day, another monopoly variation. This time, it is Monopoly
Millionaire, based on the recently released board game of the same
name. As the name alludes to, the first player to a million dollars
wins. The board has shrunk, meaning fewer properties available and
after a few decidedly shorter trips around the board, most of the
properties will have been bought or auctioned off. As you go past
Go, you can upgrade your piece (your little boat will become more of
a ship) enabling larger rewards but also larger losses.

Due to the frenetic nature of the game, trading has been given less
prominence. There will be many less trades in the game and it is
much easier to reach a million than it is to bankrupt someone in the
original. Gone are also the Community Chest cards replaced by
Fortune cards and Milionaire cards. Some Fortune cards are Keep
until Needed or in other words, can be held and used later on -
allowing you to buy houses, get out of jail free and to steal
property from other players. No longer will there be those
frustrating games that no player trades - with these cards in play,
you can just steal what you want! A typical game will last around
10 minutes.

The usual game setup options are there : different number of CPU and
human players, pass and play and wifi modes and different AI levels.
The board is viewed top down, zoomed up when the player races down
the board. The interface is well designed, uncluttered and clear
making the learning curve not particularly steep. This Monopoly
variant although much quicker lacks the depth of the original,
instead relying on a large amount of randomness in the form of cards
that shift the balance unevenly towards the fortunate players who
manage to pick them up. It does give an adequate Monopoly fix but
leaves the player ultimately unsatisfied.