Galaxy on Fire
2 HD is one ambitious game, combining space combat and trading,
loads of side quests all set amongst a rich political environment.
Having won a few awards, this is one game I was looking forward to,
and it doesn’t disappoint.
While chasing
space pirates, Keith T Maxwell is catapulted to the end of the
known galaxy and 35 years into the future, due to a malfunctioning
hyperdrive unit. Not only does Keith need to get back to Terran
space but a vicious insectoid race, the Voids, are repeatedly
attacking Terran ships.. It is up to Keith to save the world,

You start off
with just a sole mining drill, allowing you to mine asteroids for
precious minerals that you can later trade on space stations. On
such space stations, you can talk to people in the space lobby, who
will offer you an assortment of missions for cash. You can also
visit the hangar where your ship can be fitted out with better
weapons and equipment or you can buy an even better ship, if
fortunate to have enough cash. With acquired blueprints, newer and
more exciting weapons can be constructed.

Space combat is
a common component in most of the missions and one of the most
exciting. You will be attacked from all directions and have
torpedoes, lasers, EMP bombs and other weapons at your disposal.
Wingmen can also be hired for the more difficult missions. The
thrill of having beaten a swarm of Void with the huge Void
mothership just floating around you is immense. All in all, the
gameplay is involving, with an intriguing storyline and missions
varied enough to keep you interested. The shops on the space
stations also tantalise with items just outside your current
financial capability.

Graphics are
some of the best I have seen on the iPad. The planets, jumpgates,
wormholes and space stations are beautifully designed and are
rendered with loads of detail and lighting effects. The voice
acting is also top-notch even though some of the accents having a
strange twang.
One minor
complaint is the difficulty in actually getting to your destination
in some missions, requiring you to manually select each
subdestination, jump there and then select your next subdestination
and so on. If there are 8 subdestinations, this can take forever.
Also of note is the use of the iCloud to allow you to seamlessly
resume your game if you have both an iPad and iPhone.
With the myriad
of sidequests and things to do, this game will keep you playing for
more than 10 hours. A thoroughly enjoyable, entertaining