It's not a game,
it's a tool. Well not really a tool that is shall we say a must
have email tool. It is however wonderful frivolous fun. Add
something extra to your email's from your iPod with IMBooster.
These are funny little icons called emoticons, grinning faces,
weird cat things, animes, and various other odd and sometimes
amusing icons.

There are dozens of these things to sift through to meet just
about anyone's needs. Bare in mind that they may not be the
thing for a business email, and even a friendly email to family
and friends may find your emails becoming annoying if you over
IMBooster is a port to the iPhone and iPod Touch, it has been
around for a while for the PC and MAC. The download is available
for most of the email clients. It even works on Facebook.
The App is meant to work with Emails mainly so have at it. To
use these in an email you copy and paste a message into the app
itself, then send the message from the Application.

Opening the Application you are greeted with a split screen, the
top part for typing a message and the bottom part has your
choices of the little emoticons. A simple swipe of the finger
and you browse through the icons and decide how you want to
decorate your message. The choices are divided into different
categories including Love, Moody, Nasty, etc etc. Not much use
in the professional world, but for those private emails to pals
it good clean fun.
Have fun play games
Edwin Millheim