In another life, Fly
with me could have been named Tap to Fly - those three words
surprisingly sum up your controls. You control a bird by controlling
when it flaps as it manoeuvres through a horizontal obstacle course,
replete with bad bugs, wind gusts, spiders, holes in trees and

Flap is in limited
supply and when you run out, your bird falls to the ground like a
stone (the death scenes funnily enough are the best thing about this
game). You just have to decide when to flap and when to not (ie
glide) and your Flap meter can be regenerated by eating bees. As
you progress through the game collecting golden stars and a golden
cog on each level, levels will be unlocked and new birds to fly. The
graphics are clean, crisp and cartoony and there are some great
animation scenes that made me laugh out loud. The gameplay though
can get repetitive, just like some of the music.

One major complaint
are the in-app purchases. Why oh why do messages keep popping every
few minutes, reminding you that you can buy a robotic bird, or
unlock levels or other annoying things, when all you want to do is
play the game. It really gets on your nerves, having to click on
'No Thanks' tens of times in one session, enough to put the game
down for some people.

For 99c, this can
give you a few laughs and wouldn't be too bad to while away some
time, if you can just ignore the annoying popups.