One cardinal rule about Action RPGs is that there must be loot and a
lot of it. Loot comes in many forms - it can be the glistening gold
left laid out in little piles after overpowering a horde of hell
spawns, that enchanted dagger that has finally dropped with its glow
finally in your grasp or even all those ampoules of potions that may
come in handy when you take a beating to an inch of your life. That
is the problem with Dungeon Hunter 4. There is a not a lot of loot,
actually very little. This ultimately makes DH4 a rather
frustrating, flawed game that seems to have a weird sense of
priorities. It’s a shame as there is a lot that DH4 does right.

begins with the usual fare of selecting your character class, each
with the usual warrior, hybrid, mage and hunter clones and being
burdened with saving the world. The controls work well, with single
or dual virtual thumbpads. The main thumbpad controls movement while
the secondary button or thumbpad fires your weapon. The control
scheme is surprisingly tight and responsive. Visually, it actually
is rather impressive. Environs are vibrant and stunning - beautiful
lighting and shadows complemented with minor touches like grass
blowing in the wind, blood splatters, little things just add up to a
minor triumph for the eyes. Character customisation comes in the
form of a rather simple talent tree and a limited variety of
weapons. Let’s not forget the daily deals in the shop as well as
the chance at winning prizes at the Wheel of Fate.
a valid question is what makes DH4 so flawed and frustrating? The
first sign that something is amiss is during the loading screens, it
advertises weapons, amour and items that may help in your quest.
Clicking on these lead you to the shop where the aforementioned item
is being sold for a ludicrous amount of gems. Gems cannot be earned
in the normal course of the game and are bought as a form of IAP.
Did you want to rearrange your attribute-modifier jewels in your
armour? Remove your current jewel and wait 15 minutes game time or
spend gems to speed this up. If you die, you restart the whole
level again or you can pay gems to respawn/continue.

You are given 3 health potions and each will restore your full
health - note that these are never dropped as loot, you actually
have to buy potions in this game. Oh, but they do respawn at the
rate of one potion every 2 hours of game time. And no, you cannot
get out of the game and come back later after 2 hours, you will have
to wait out 2 hours in the game to get one potion (or spend gems).
mentioned previously, there is very little loot. Defeating a major
horde of fiends may net you one small pile of gold if you are lucky.
Getting an item is like winning a scratchie. In this respect, this
game is miserly, to the say the least. (Diablo 3, all is
forgiven). The shop itself is stocked full of items that can only
be bought by gems. I can go on at other things that will cost you a
whole lot of time waiting (or gems) but I think you get the idea.
Apologies but I just don’t get the point of hamstringing a player
and not allowing them to experience the game to the fullest and
forcing them to either spend their time waiting in the game or
spending money. It also frustrates me no end when things that you
take for granted in other Action RPGs now actually cost money or
hours of your time eg potions, continuing on from where you died,
customising the jewels on your armour. This is actually a
reasonable game if it had a reasonable price and stopped all of this
desperate selling nonsense, the kind of selling you expect in a
social network game. Instead, you are left plain frustrated. This
is a freemium game but still a game, so I just have to ask the
question - where is the fun? Forgotten, it seems.