Up until I decided to stop being a technophobic luddite and finally pick
up a smartphone, I used to scoff at the notion that mobile games were
becoming serious contenders against consoles and computers. My
sentiments quickly changed when I discovered that games like The
Walking Dead, The Broken Sword series and many other high
profile titles were available on the platform without any compromises
from the transfer to the handheld medium; however, the true wealth of
gaming brilliance was to be discovered in some of the genre-breaking
indie games nestled amongst the more well known titles.
Games like McPixel, Gesundheit and others are what really
cemented my new found love for mobile gaming, subverting the established
tropes and expectations of what constitutes a game and redefining staid
and tired genres that had long stagnated due to bigger developers being
unable (Or unwilling) to take major risks in design and content.

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One of the titles leading this new vanguard of gaming is Home: A
Unique Horror Adventure; developed by Benjamin Rivers and originally
released on PC in 2012 to rave reviews, Home more than lives up
to the claims of its title. Placing you in the shoes of an amnesiac
protagonist, you awaken in a strange house with a storm raging outside
and a dead body in the corner. Unsure of practically everything around
him, your character only knows one thing for certain: He needs to find
his wife... And that’s literally as much of the story I can reveal
without spoiling the experience. You see, Home has a narrative
device unlike that of any other game on the market – It doesn’t tell a
story so much as allow you the resources with which you can tell your
own. The most obvious comparison would be those old ‘Choose Your Own
Adventure” novels, but Home is so much more than a simple series
of branching tangential possibilities.
Rendered lovingly in a retro pixelated 2D style, one might think that
this aesthetic may serve to detract from the mood of the game, but
Home’s minimal graphics work incredibly well, feeding into the
creepy atmosphere that’s further conveyed by the luscious ambient sound
effects and ambiguous storyline.

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The story itself is moved along through the use of text boxes, but
rather than simply present the option to either take or leave a weapon,
for example, the games unique use of suggestive language will instead
hold you accountable for the protagonist’s decision as he ruminates on
his personal aversion to firearms and then cautiously asks “I didn’t
take it, did I?”
The game is dynamic in the sense that it’s constantly shifting; each
decision made by the player, no matter how subtle, shapes the narrative
and much of the game only hints at an item or location’s true
significance, leaving the player to fill in the gaps. This is where home
succeeds the most; as you make your way through the games various
locales, lit only by the lonely glow of your lantern, you’re presented
with some pretty graphic scenes, yet it’s the ambiguity of the less
overt aspects of the story that truly resonate. With Home, you’re
constantly interpreting what you’re seeing and, as such, every player
will have a different experience, even if the choices that they make in
the game are similar - Home is that rare breed of game that
realises that what’s left unsaid can be infinitely more terrifying than
anything you can present on the screen.

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The controls are easy to use: Touch on either side of the screen to move
your avatar in the desired direction and simply tap on any objects of
interest or take a close look. On occasion you’ll have to swipe upwards
to pierce the inky darkness with the small circle of light your lantern
emits, and that’s it. There’s no complicated menu system or sticky
controls to contend with here, Home’s control scheme always feels
intuitive and helps facilitate full immersion into its distorted,
Lynch-esque world.
If Home could be considered to have any major weakness, it’s the
lack of resolution to the story. Personally, I feel that this ambiguity
works within the dream-like context of the game, but those who feel like
a game owes definitive answers to the questions it poses may find
themselves left unfulfilled.

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encourages multiple play-throughs, and although it suffers slightly from
the diminishing of ambience as you find yourself consciously making
choices for the purpose of manipulating different outcomes, the simple
fact that you will be compelled to play through more than once is
a triumph in of itself.
There is an interesting link once you complete the game that leads you
to a site where other players express their own interpretation of what
happened, and it’s fascinating to read the diametrically opposed
experiences that all stem from the same source – Truly a testament to
Home’s impressive narrative design.
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Graphics and Audio
The 2D pixel art is a true beauty to behold, rudimentary but
accomplished, with the restricted view of everything beyond your meagre
lantern’s glow adding further to the unique feel of the game. The sound
design is the thread the holds the whole thing together, however; the
hollow echo of your character’s footsteps as he explores an ancient,
creaking water tower; the sharp crack of lightning or sudden hushed
whisper from an off-screen party; the ominous rustling of the trees as
you climb through a chain link fence, only to stumble upon... Something
– Every moment sounds exactly as it should. Before commencing play, the
game recommends that you play with the lights down and headphones on,
and I can only recommend that you absolutely do that... The pristine
sound design deserves no less than your full attention.
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Final Thoughts
is an impressive narrative experience that challenges players to
construct their own story; it may be short but it’s definitely a case of
quality over quantity and offers an exciting glimpse into the future of
storytelling through interactive mediums.
It is recommended that you complete Home in a single sitting, and
its brief runtime makes this an easy feat to achieve. Do yourself a
favour and pick up Home: A Unique Horror Adventure as soon as you
get the opportunity, for there is truly no place quite like home. |